mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 12:42:27 +08:00
chore: add new bbr implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package common
import (
congestionv2 "github.com/Dreamacro/clash/transport/tuic/congestion_v2"
c "github.com/metacubex/quic-go/congestion"
@ -17,23 +18,7 @@ func SetCongestionController(quicConn quic.Connection, cc string, cwnd int) {
cwnd = 32
switch cc {
case "cubic":
case "new_reno":
case "bbr":
case "bbr_meta_v1":
@ -42,5 +27,15 @@ func SetCongestionController(quicConn quic.Connection, cc string, cwnd int) {
case "bbr_meta_v2":
case "bbr":
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
package congestion
import (
// This cubic implementation is based on the one found in Chromiums's QUIC
// implementation, in the files net/quic/congestion_control/cubic.{hh,cc}.
// Constants based on TCP defaults.
// The following constants are in 2^10 fractions of a second instead of ms to
// allow a 10 shift right to divide.
// 1024*1024^3 (first 1024 is from 0.100^3)
// where 0.100 is 100 ms which is the scaling round trip time.
const (
cubeScale = 40
cubeCongestionWindowScale = 410
cubeFactor congestion.ByteCount = 1 << cubeScale / cubeCongestionWindowScale / maxDatagramSize
// TODO: when re-enabling cubic, make sure to use the actual packet size here
maxDatagramSize = congestion.ByteCount(InitialPacketSizeIPv4)
const defaultNumConnections = 1
// Default Cubic backoff factor
const beta float32 = 0.7
// Additional backoff factor when loss occurs in the concave part of the Cubic
// curve. This additional backoff factor is expected to give up bandwidth to
// new concurrent flows and speed up convergence.
const betaLastMax float32 = 0.85
// Cubic implements the cubic algorithm from TCP
type Cubic struct {
clock Clock
// Number of connections to simulate.
numConnections int
// Time when this cycle started, after last loss event.
epoch time.Time
// Max congestion window used just before last loss event.
// Note: to improve fairness to other streams an additional back off is
// applied to this value if the new value is below our latest value.
lastMaxCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// Number of acked bytes since the cycle started (epoch).
ackedBytesCount congestion.ByteCount
// TCP Reno equivalent congestion window in packets.
estimatedTCPcongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// Origin point of cubic function.
originPointCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// Time to origin point of cubic function in 2^10 fractions of a second.
timeToOriginPoint uint32
// Last congestion window in packets computed by cubic function.
lastTargetCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// NewCubic returns a new Cubic instance
func NewCubic(clock Clock) *Cubic {
c := &Cubic{
clock: clock,
numConnections: defaultNumConnections,
return c
// Reset is called after a timeout to reset the cubic state
func (c *Cubic) Reset() {
c.epoch = time.Time{}
c.lastMaxCongestionWindow = 0
c.ackedBytesCount = 0
c.estimatedTCPcongestionWindow = 0
c.originPointCongestionWindow = 0
c.timeToOriginPoint = 0
c.lastTargetCongestionWindow = 0
func (c *Cubic) alpha() float32 {
// TCPFriendly alpha is described in Section 3.3 of the CUBIC paper. Note that
// beta here is a cwnd multiplier, and is equal to 1-beta from the paper.
// We derive the equivalent alpha for an N-connection emulation as:
b := c.beta()
return 3 * float32(c.numConnections) * float32(c.numConnections) * (1 - b) / (1 + b)
func (c *Cubic) beta() float32 {
// kNConnectionBeta is the backoff factor after loss for our N-connection
// emulation, which emulates the effective backoff of an ensemble of N
// TCP-Reno connections on a single loss event. The effective multiplier is
// computed as:
return (float32(c.numConnections) - 1 + beta) / float32(c.numConnections)
func (c *Cubic) betaLastMax() float32 {
// betaLastMax is the additional backoff factor after loss for our
// N-connection emulation, which emulates the additional backoff of
// an ensemble of N TCP-Reno connections on a single loss event. The
// effective multiplier is computed as:
return (float32(c.numConnections) - 1 + betaLastMax) / float32(c.numConnections)
// OnApplicationLimited is called on ack arrival when sender is unable to use
// the available congestion window. Resets Cubic state during quiescence.
func (c *Cubic) OnApplicationLimited() {
// When sender is not using the available congestion window, the window does
// not grow. But to be RTT-independent, Cubic assumes that the sender has been
// using the entire window during the time since the beginning of the current
// "epoch" (the end of the last loss recovery period). Since
// application-limited periods break this assumption, we reset the epoch when
// in such a period. This reset effectively freezes congestion window growth
// through application-limited periods and allows Cubic growth to continue
// when the entire window is being used.
c.epoch = time.Time{}
// CongestionWindowAfterPacketLoss computes a new congestion window to use after
// a loss event. Returns the new congestion window in packets. The new
// congestion window is a multiplicative decrease of our current window.
func (c *Cubic) CongestionWindowAfterPacketLoss(currentCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount) congestion.ByteCount {
if currentCongestionWindow+maxDatagramSize < c.lastMaxCongestionWindow {
// We never reached the old max, so assume we are competing with another
// flow. Use our extra back off factor to allow the other flow to go up.
c.lastMaxCongestionWindow = congestion.ByteCount(c.betaLastMax() * float32(currentCongestionWindow))
} else {
c.lastMaxCongestionWindow = currentCongestionWindow
c.epoch = time.Time{} // Reset time.
return congestion.ByteCount(float32(currentCongestionWindow) * c.beta())
// CongestionWindowAfterAck computes a new congestion window to use after a received ACK.
// Returns the new congestion window in packets. The new congestion window
// follows a cubic function that depends on the time passed since last
// packet loss.
func (c *Cubic) CongestionWindowAfterAck(
ackedBytes congestion.ByteCount,
currentCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount,
delayMin time.Duration,
eventTime time.Time,
) congestion.ByteCount {
c.ackedBytesCount += ackedBytes
if c.epoch.IsZero() {
// First ACK after a loss event.
c.epoch = eventTime // Start of epoch.
c.ackedBytesCount = ackedBytes // Reset count.
// Reset estimated_tcp_congestion_window_ to be in sync with cubic.
c.estimatedTCPcongestionWindow = currentCongestionWindow
if c.lastMaxCongestionWindow <= currentCongestionWindow {
c.timeToOriginPoint = 0
c.originPointCongestionWindow = currentCongestionWindow
} else {
c.timeToOriginPoint = uint32(math.Cbrt(float64(cubeFactor * (c.lastMaxCongestionWindow - currentCongestionWindow))))
c.originPointCongestionWindow = c.lastMaxCongestionWindow
// Change the time unit from microseconds to 2^10 fractions per second. Take
// the round trip time in account. This is done to allow us to use shift as a
// divide operator.
elapsedTime := int64(eventTime.Add(delayMin).Sub(c.epoch)/time.Microsecond) << 10 / (1000 * 1000)
// Right-shifts of negative, signed numbers have implementation-dependent
// behavior, so force the offset to be positive, as is done in the kernel.
offset := int64(c.timeToOriginPoint) - elapsedTime
if offset < 0 {
offset = -offset
deltaCongestionWindow := congestion.ByteCount(cubeCongestionWindowScale*offset*offset*offset) * maxDatagramSize >> cubeScale
var targetCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
if elapsedTime > int64(c.timeToOriginPoint) {
targetCongestionWindow = c.originPointCongestionWindow + deltaCongestionWindow
} else {
targetCongestionWindow = c.originPointCongestionWindow - deltaCongestionWindow
// Limit the CWND increase to half the acked bytes.
targetCongestionWindow = Min(targetCongestionWindow, currentCongestionWindow+c.ackedBytesCount/2)
// Increase the window by approximately Alpha * 1 MSS of bytes every
// time we ack an estimated tcp window of bytes. For small
// congestion windows (less than 25), the formula below will
// increase slightly slower than linearly per estimated tcp window
// of bytes.
c.estimatedTCPcongestionWindow += congestion.ByteCount(float32(c.ackedBytesCount) * c.alpha() * float32(maxDatagramSize) / float32(c.estimatedTCPcongestionWindow))
c.ackedBytesCount = 0
// We have a new cubic congestion window.
c.lastTargetCongestionWindow = targetCongestionWindow
// Compute target congestion_window based on cubic target and estimated TCP
// congestion_window, use highest (fastest).
if targetCongestionWindow < c.estimatedTCPcongestionWindow {
targetCongestionWindow = c.estimatedTCPcongestionWindow
return targetCongestionWindow
// SetNumConnections sets the number of emulated connections
func (c *Cubic) SetNumConnections(n int) {
c.numConnections = n
@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
package congestion
import (
const (
maxBurstPackets = 3
renoBeta = 0.7 // Reno backoff factor.
minCongestionWindowPackets = 2
initialCongestionWindow = 32
const InvalidPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber = -1
const MaxCongestionWindowPackets = 20000
const MaxByteCount = congestion.ByteCount(1<<62 - 1)
type cubicSender struct {
hybridSlowStart HybridSlowStart
rttStats congestion.RTTStatsProvider
cubic *Cubic
pacer *pacer
clock Clock
reno bool
// Track the largest packet that has been sent.
largestSentPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber
// Track the largest packet that has been acked.
largestAckedPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber
// Track the largest packet number outstanding when a CWND cutback occurs.
largestSentAtLastCutback congestion.PacketNumber
// Whether the last loss event caused us to exit slowstart.
// Used for stats collection of slowstartPacketsLost
lastCutbackExitedSlowstart bool
// Congestion window in bytes.
congestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// Slow start congestion window in bytes, aka ssthresh.
slowStartThreshold congestion.ByteCount
// ACK counter for the Reno implementation.
numAckedPackets uint64
initialCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
initialMaxCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
maxDatagramSize congestion.ByteCount
var (
_ congestion.CongestionControl = &cubicSender{}
// NewCubicSender makes a new cubic sender
func NewCubicSender(
clock Clock,
initialMaxDatagramSize congestion.ByteCount,
reno bool,
) *cubicSender {
return newCubicSender(
func newCubicSender(
clock Clock,
reno bool,
initialMaxCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount,
) *cubicSender {
c := &cubicSender{
largestSentPacketNumber: InvalidPacketNumber,
largestAckedPacketNumber: InvalidPacketNumber,
largestSentAtLastCutback: InvalidPacketNumber,
initialCongestionWindow: initialCongestionWindow,
initialMaxCongestionWindow: initialMaxCongestionWindow,
congestionWindow: initialCongestionWindow,
slowStartThreshold: MaxByteCount,
cubic: NewCubic(clock),
clock: clock,
reno: reno,
maxDatagramSize: initialMaxDatagramSize,
c.pacer = newPacer(c.BandwidthEstimate)
return c
func (c *cubicSender) SetRTTStatsProvider(provider congestion.RTTStatsProvider) {
c.rttStats = provider
// TimeUntilSend returns when the next packet should be sent.
func (c *cubicSender) TimeUntilSend(_ congestion.ByteCount) time.Time {
return c.pacer.TimeUntilSend()
func (c *cubicSender) HasPacingBudget(now time.Time) bool {
return c.pacer.Budget(now) >= c.maxDatagramSize
func (c *cubicSender) maxCongestionWindow() congestion.ByteCount {
return c.maxDatagramSize * MaxCongestionWindowPackets
func (c *cubicSender) minCongestionWindow() congestion.ByteCount {
return c.maxDatagramSize * minCongestionWindowPackets
func (c *cubicSender) OnPacketSent(
sentTime time.Time,
_ congestion.ByteCount,
packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber,
bytes congestion.ByteCount,
isRetransmittable bool,
) {
c.pacer.SentPacket(sentTime, bytes)
if !isRetransmittable {
c.largestSentPacketNumber = packetNumber
func (c *cubicSender) CanSend(bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount) bool {
return bytesInFlight < c.GetCongestionWindow()
func (c *cubicSender) InRecovery() bool {
return c.largestAckedPacketNumber != InvalidPacketNumber && c.largestAckedPacketNumber <= c.largestSentAtLastCutback
func (c *cubicSender) InSlowStart() bool {
return c.GetCongestionWindow() < c.slowStartThreshold
func (c *cubicSender) GetCongestionWindow() congestion.ByteCount {
return c.congestionWindow
func (c *cubicSender) MaybeExitSlowStart() {
if c.InSlowStart() &&
c.hybridSlowStart.ShouldExitSlowStart(c.rttStats.LatestRTT(), c.rttStats.MinRTT(), c.GetCongestionWindow()/c.maxDatagramSize) {
// exit slow start
c.slowStartThreshold = c.congestionWindow
func (c *cubicSender) OnPacketAcked(
ackedPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber,
ackedBytes congestion.ByteCount,
priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount,
eventTime time.Time,
) {
c.largestAckedPacketNumber = Max(ackedPacketNumber, c.largestAckedPacketNumber)
if c.InRecovery() {
c.maybeIncreaseCwnd(ackedPacketNumber, ackedBytes, priorInFlight, eventTime)
if c.InSlowStart() {
func (c *cubicSender) OnCongestionEvent(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber, lostBytes, priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount) {
// TCP NewReno (RFC6582) says that once a loss occurs, any losses in packets
// already sent should be treated as a single loss event, since it's expected.
if packetNumber <= c.largestSentAtLastCutback {
c.lastCutbackExitedSlowstart = c.InSlowStart()
if c.reno {
c.congestionWindow = congestion.ByteCount(float64(c.congestionWindow) * renoBeta)
} else {
c.congestionWindow = c.cubic.CongestionWindowAfterPacketLoss(c.congestionWindow)
if minCwnd := c.minCongestionWindow(); c.congestionWindow < minCwnd {
c.congestionWindow = minCwnd
c.slowStartThreshold = c.congestionWindow
c.largestSentAtLastCutback = c.largestSentPacketNumber
// reset packet count from congestion avoidance mode. We start
// counting again when we're out of recovery.
c.numAckedPackets = 0
func (b *cubicSender) OnCongestionEventEx(priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount, eventTime time.Time, ackedPackets []congestion.AckedPacketInfo, lostPackets []congestion.LostPacketInfo) {
// Stub
// Called when we receive an ack. Normal TCP tracks how many packets one ack
// represents, but quic has a separate ack for each packet.
func (c *cubicSender) maybeIncreaseCwnd(
_ congestion.PacketNumber,
ackedBytes congestion.ByteCount,
priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount,
eventTime time.Time,
) {
// Do not increase the congestion window unless the sender is close to using
// the current window.
if !c.isCwndLimited(priorInFlight) {
if c.congestionWindow >= c.maxCongestionWindow() {
if c.InSlowStart() {
// TCP slow start, exponential growth, increase by one for each ACK.
c.congestionWindow += c.maxDatagramSize
// Congestion avoidance
if c.reno {
// Classic Reno congestion avoidance.
if c.numAckedPackets >= uint64(c.congestionWindow/c.maxDatagramSize) {
c.congestionWindow += c.maxDatagramSize
c.numAckedPackets = 0
} else {
c.congestionWindow = Min(c.maxCongestionWindow(), c.cubic.CongestionWindowAfterAck(ackedBytes, c.congestionWindow, c.rttStats.MinRTT(), eventTime))
func (c *cubicSender) isCwndLimited(bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount) bool {
congestionWindow := c.GetCongestionWindow()
if bytesInFlight >= congestionWindow {
return true
availableBytes := congestionWindow - bytesInFlight
slowStartLimited := c.InSlowStart() && bytesInFlight > congestionWindow/2
return slowStartLimited || availableBytes <= maxBurstPackets*c.maxDatagramSize
// BandwidthEstimate returns the current bandwidth estimate
func (c *cubicSender) BandwidthEstimate() Bandwidth {
if c.rttStats == nil {
return infBandwidth
srtt := c.rttStats.SmoothedRTT()
if srtt == 0 {
// If we haven't measured an rtt, the bandwidth estimate is unknown.
return infBandwidth
return BandwidthFromDelta(c.GetCongestionWindow(), srtt)
// OnRetransmissionTimeout is called on an retransmission timeout
func (c *cubicSender) OnRetransmissionTimeout(packetsRetransmitted bool) {
c.largestSentAtLastCutback = InvalidPacketNumber
if !packetsRetransmitted {
c.slowStartThreshold = c.congestionWindow / 2
c.congestionWindow = c.minCongestionWindow()
// OnConnectionMigration is called when the connection is migrated (?)
func (c *cubicSender) OnConnectionMigration() {
c.largestSentPacketNumber = InvalidPacketNumber
c.largestAckedPacketNumber = InvalidPacketNumber
c.largestSentAtLastCutback = InvalidPacketNumber
c.lastCutbackExitedSlowstart = false
c.numAckedPackets = 0
c.congestionWindow = c.initialCongestionWindow
c.slowStartThreshold = c.initialMaxCongestionWindow
func (c *cubicSender) SetMaxDatagramSize(s congestion.ByteCount) {
if s < c.maxDatagramSize {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("congestion BUG: decreased max datagram size from %d to %d", c.maxDatagramSize, s))
cwndIsMinCwnd := c.congestionWindow == c.minCongestionWindow()
c.maxDatagramSize = s
if cwndIsMinCwnd {
c.congestionWindow = c.minCongestionWindow()
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
package congestion
import (
// Note(pwestin): the magic clamping numbers come from the original code in
// tcp_cubic.c.
const hybridStartLowWindow = congestion.ByteCount(16)
// Number of delay samples for detecting the increase of delay.
const hybridStartMinSamples = uint32(8)
// Exit slow start if the min rtt has increased by more than 1/8th.
const hybridStartDelayFactorExp = 3 // 2^3 = 8
// The original paper specifies 2 and 8ms, but those have changed over time.
const (
hybridStartDelayMinThresholdUs = int64(4000)
hybridStartDelayMaxThresholdUs = int64(16000)
// HybridSlowStart implements the TCP hybrid slow start algorithm
type HybridSlowStart struct {
endPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber
lastSentPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber
started bool
currentMinRTT time.Duration
rttSampleCount uint32
hystartFound bool
// StartReceiveRound is called for the start of each receive round (burst) in the slow start phase.
func (s *HybridSlowStart) StartReceiveRound(lastSent congestion.PacketNumber) {
s.endPacketNumber = lastSent
s.currentMinRTT = 0
s.rttSampleCount = 0
s.started = true
// IsEndOfRound returns true if this ack is the last packet number of our current slow start round.
func (s *HybridSlowStart) IsEndOfRound(ack congestion.PacketNumber) bool {
return s.endPacketNumber < ack
// ShouldExitSlowStart should be called on every new ack frame, since a new
// RTT measurement can be made then.
// rtt: the RTT for this ack packet.
// minRTT: is the lowest delay (RTT) we have seen during the session.
// congestionWindow: the congestion window in packets.
func (s *HybridSlowStart) ShouldExitSlowStart(latestRTT time.Duration, minRTT time.Duration, congestionWindow congestion.ByteCount) bool {
if !s.started {
// Time to start the hybrid slow start.
if s.hystartFound {
return true
// Second detection parameter - delay increase detection.
// Compare the minimum delay (s.currentMinRTT) of the current
// burst of packets relative to the minimum delay during the session.
// Note: we only look at the first few(8) packets in each burst, since we
// only want to compare the lowest RTT of the burst relative to previous
// bursts.
if s.rttSampleCount <= hybridStartMinSamples {
if s.currentMinRTT == 0 || s.currentMinRTT > latestRTT {
s.currentMinRTT = latestRTT
// We only need to check this once per round.
if s.rttSampleCount == hybridStartMinSamples {
// Divide minRTT by 8 to get a rtt increase threshold for exiting.
minRTTincreaseThresholdUs := int64(minRTT / time.Microsecond >> hybridStartDelayFactorExp)
// Ensure the rtt threshold is never less than 2ms or more than 16ms.
minRTTincreaseThresholdUs = Min(minRTTincreaseThresholdUs, hybridStartDelayMaxThresholdUs)
minRTTincreaseThreshold := time.Duration(Max(minRTTincreaseThresholdUs, hybridStartDelayMinThresholdUs)) * time.Microsecond
if s.currentMinRTT > (minRTT + minRTTincreaseThreshold) {
s.hystartFound = true
// Exit from slow start if the cwnd is greater than 16 and
// increasing delay is found.
return congestionWindow >= hybridStartLowWindow && s.hystartFound
// OnPacketSent is called when a packet was sent
func (s *HybridSlowStart) OnPacketSent(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber) {
s.lastSentPacketNumber = packetNumber
// OnPacketAcked gets invoked after ShouldExitSlowStart, so it's best to end
// the round when the final packet of the burst is received and start it on
// the next incoming ack.
func (s *HybridSlowStart) OnPacketAcked(ackedPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber) {
if s.IsEndOfRound(ackedPacketNumber) {
s.started = false
// Started returns true if started
func (s *HybridSlowStart) Started() bool {
return s.started
// Restart the slow start phase
func (s *HybridSlowStart) Restart() {
s.started = false
s.hystartFound = false
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
package congestion
import (
// InfDuration is a duration of infinite length
const InfDuration = time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)
// MinNonZeroDuration return the minimum duration that's not zero.
func MinNonZeroDuration(a, b time.Duration) time.Duration {
if a == 0 {
return b
if b == 0 {
return a
return Min(a, b)
// AbsDuration returns the absolute value of a time duration
func AbsDuration(d time.Duration) time.Duration {
if d >= 0 {
return d
return -d
// MinTime returns the earlier time
func MinTime(a, b time.Time) time.Time {
if a.After(b) {
return b
return a
// MinNonZeroTime returns the earlist time that is not time.Time{}
// If both a and b are time.Time{}, it returns time.Time{}
func MinNonZeroTime(a, b time.Time) time.Time {
if a.IsZero() {
return b
if b.IsZero() {
return a
return MinTime(a, b)
// MaxTime returns the later time
func MaxTime(a, b time.Time) time.Time {
if a.After(b) {
return a
return b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package congestion
import (
const (
infBandwidth = Bandwidth(math.MaxUint64)
// Bandwidth of a connection
type Bandwidth uint64
const (
// BitsPerSecond is 1 bit per second
BitsPerSecond Bandwidth = 1
// BytesPerSecond is 1 byte per second
BytesPerSecond = 8 * BitsPerSecond
// BandwidthFromDelta calculates the bandwidth from a number of bytes and a time delta
func BandwidthFromDelta(bytes congestion.ByteCount, delta time.Duration) Bandwidth {
return Bandwidth(bytes) * Bandwidth(time.Second) / Bandwidth(delta) * BytesPerSecond
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
package congestion
import (
const (
infRTT = time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)
defaultConnectionStateMapQueueSize = 256
defaultCandidatesBufferSize = 256
type roundTripCount uint64
// SendTimeState is a subset of ConnectionStateOnSentPacket which is returned
// to the caller when the packet is acked or lost.
type sendTimeState struct {
// Whether other states in this object is valid.
isValid bool
// Whether the sender is app limited at the time the packet was sent.
// App limited bandwidth sample might be artificially low because the sender
// did not have enough data to send in order to saturate the link.
isAppLimited bool
// Total number of sent bytes at the time the packet was sent.
// Includes the packet itself.
totalBytesSent congestion.ByteCount
// Total number of acked bytes at the time the packet was sent.
totalBytesAcked congestion.ByteCount
// Total number of lost bytes at the time the packet was sent.
totalBytesLost congestion.ByteCount
// Total number of inflight bytes at the time the packet was sent.
// Includes the packet itself.
// It should be equal to |total_bytes_sent| minus the sum of
// |total_bytes_acked|, |total_bytes_lost| and total neutered bytes.
bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount
func newSendTimeState(
isAppLimited bool,
totalBytesSent congestion.ByteCount,
totalBytesAcked congestion.ByteCount,
totalBytesLost congestion.ByteCount,
bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount,
) *sendTimeState {
return &sendTimeState{
isValid: true,
isAppLimited: isAppLimited,
totalBytesSent: totalBytesSent,
totalBytesAcked: totalBytesAcked,
totalBytesLost: totalBytesLost,
bytesInFlight: bytesInFlight,
type extraAckedEvent struct {
// The excess bytes acknowlwedged in the time delta for this event.
extraAcked congestion.ByteCount
// The bytes acknowledged and time delta from the event.
bytesAcked congestion.ByteCount
timeDelta time.Duration
// The round trip of the event.
round roundTripCount
func maxExtraAckedEventFunc(a, b extraAckedEvent) int {
if a.extraAcked > b.extraAcked {
return 1
} else if a.extraAcked < b.extraAcked {
return -1
return 0
// BandwidthSample
type bandwidthSample struct {
// The bandwidth at that particular sample. Zero if no valid bandwidth sample
// is available.
bandwidth Bandwidth
// The RTT measurement at this particular sample. Zero if no RTT sample is
// available. Does not correct for delayed ack time.
rtt time.Duration
// |send_rate| is computed from the current packet being acked('P') and an
// earlier packet that is acked before P was sent.
sendRate Bandwidth
// States captured when the packet was sent.
stateAtSend sendTimeState
func newBandwidthSample() *bandwidthSample {
return &bandwidthSample{
sendRate: infBandwidth,
// MaxAckHeightTracker is part of the BandwidthSampler. It is called after every
// ack event to keep track the degree of ack aggregation(a.k.a "ack height").
type maxAckHeightTracker struct {
// Tracks the maximum number of bytes acked faster than the estimated
// bandwidth.
maxAckHeightFilter *WindowedFilter[extraAckedEvent, roundTripCount]
// The time this aggregation started and the number of bytes acked during it.
aggregationEpochStartTime time.Time
aggregationEpochBytes congestion.ByteCount
// The last sent packet number before the current aggregation epoch started.
lastSentPacketNumberBeforeEpoch congestion.PacketNumber
// The number of ack aggregation epochs ever started, including the ongoing
// one. Stats only.
numAckAggregationEpochs uint64
ackAggregationBandwidthThreshold float64
startNewAggregationEpochAfterFullRound bool
reduceExtraAckedOnBandwidthIncrease bool
func newMaxAckHeightTracker(windowLength roundTripCount) *maxAckHeightTracker {
return &maxAckHeightTracker{
maxAckHeightFilter: NewWindowedFilter(windowLength, maxExtraAckedEventFunc),
lastSentPacketNumberBeforeEpoch: invalidPacketNumber,
ackAggregationBandwidthThreshold: 1.0,
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) Get() congestion.ByteCount {
return m.maxAckHeightFilter.GetBest().extraAcked
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) Update(
bandwidthEstimate Bandwidth,
isNewMaxBandwidth bool,
roundTripCount roundTripCount,
lastSentPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber,
lastAckedPacketNumber congestion.PacketNumber,
ackTime time.Time,
bytesAcked congestion.ByteCount,
) congestion.ByteCount {
forceNewEpoch := false
if m.reduceExtraAckedOnBandwidthIncrease && isNewMaxBandwidth {
// Save and clear existing entries.
best := m.maxAckHeightFilter.GetBest()
secondBest := m.maxAckHeightFilter.GetSecondBest()
thirdBest := m.maxAckHeightFilter.GetThirdBest()
// Reinsert the heights into the filter after recalculating.
expectedBytesAcked := bytesFromBandwidthAndTimeDelta(bandwidthEstimate, best.timeDelta)
if expectedBytesAcked < best.bytesAcked {
best.extraAcked = best.bytesAcked - expectedBytesAcked
m.maxAckHeightFilter.Update(best, best.round)
expectedBytesAcked = bytesFromBandwidthAndTimeDelta(bandwidthEstimate, secondBest.timeDelta)
if expectedBytesAcked < secondBest.bytesAcked {
secondBest.extraAcked = secondBest.bytesAcked - expectedBytesAcked
m.maxAckHeightFilter.Update(secondBest, secondBest.round)
expectedBytesAcked = bytesFromBandwidthAndTimeDelta(bandwidthEstimate, thirdBest.timeDelta)
if expectedBytesAcked < thirdBest.bytesAcked {
thirdBest.extraAcked = thirdBest.bytesAcked - expectedBytesAcked
m.maxAckHeightFilter.Update(thirdBest, thirdBest.round)
// If any packet sent after the start of the epoch has been acked, start a new
// epoch.
if m.startNewAggregationEpochAfterFullRound &&
m.lastSentPacketNumberBeforeEpoch != invalidPacketNumber &&
lastAckedPacketNumber != invalidPacketNumber &&
lastAckedPacketNumber > m.lastSentPacketNumberBeforeEpoch {
forceNewEpoch = true
if m.aggregationEpochStartTime.IsZero() || forceNewEpoch {
m.aggregationEpochBytes = bytesAcked
m.aggregationEpochStartTime = ackTime
m.lastSentPacketNumberBeforeEpoch = lastSentPacketNumber
return 0
// Compute how many bytes are expected to be delivered, assuming max bandwidth
// is correct.
aggregationDelta := ackTime.Sub(m.aggregationEpochStartTime)
expectedBytesAcked := bytesFromBandwidthAndTimeDelta(bandwidthEstimate, aggregationDelta)
// Reset the current aggregation epoch as soon as the ack arrival rate is less
// than or equal to the max bandwidth.
if m.aggregationEpochBytes <= congestion.ByteCount(m.ackAggregationBandwidthThreshold*float64(expectedBytesAcked)) {
// Reset to start measuring a new aggregation epoch.
m.aggregationEpochBytes = bytesAcked
m.aggregationEpochStartTime = ackTime
m.lastSentPacketNumberBeforeEpoch = lastSentPacketNumber
return 0
m.aggregationEpochBytes += bytesAcked
// Compute how many extra bytes were delivered vs max bandwidth.
extraBytesAcked := m.aggregationEpochBytes - expectedBytesAcked
newEvent := extraAckedEvent{
extraAcked: expectedBytesAcked,
bytesAcked: m.aggregationEpochBytes,
timeDelta: aggregationDelta,
m.maxAckHeightFilter.Update(newEvent, roundTripCount)
return extraBytesAcked
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) SetFilterWindowLength(length roundTripCount) {
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) Reset(newHeight congestion.ByteCount, newTime roundTripCount) {
newEvent := extraAckedEvent{
extraAcked: newHeight,
round: newTime,
m.maxAckHeightFilter.Reset(newEvent, newTime)
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) SetAckAggregationBandwidthThreshold(threshold float64) {
m.ackAggregationBandwidthThreshold = threshold
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) SetStartNewAggregationEpochAfterFullRound(value bool) {
m.startNewAggregationEpochAfterFullRound = value
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) SetReduceExtraAckedOnBandwidthIncrease(value bool) {
m.reduceExtraAckedOnBandwidthIncrease = value
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) AckAggregationBandwidthThreshold() float64 {
return m.ackAggregationBandwidthThreshold
func (m *maxAckHeightTracker) NumAckAggregationEpochs() uint64 {
return m.numAckAggregationEpochs
// AckPoint represents a point on the ack line.
type ackPoint struct {
ackTime time.Time
totalBytesAcked congestion.ByteCount
// RecentAckPoints maintains the most recent 2 ack points at distinct times.
type recentAckPoints struct {
ackPoints [2]ackPoint
func (r *recentAckPoints) Update(ackTime time.Time, totalBytesAcked congestion.ByteCount) {
if ackTime.Before(r.ackPoints[1].ackTime) {
r.ackPoints[1].ackTime = ackTime
} else if ackTime.After(r.ackPoints[1].ackTime) {
r.ackPoints[0] = r.ackPoints[1]
r.ackPoints[1].ackTime = ackTime
r.ackPoints[1].totalBytesAcked = totalBytesAcked
func (r *recentAckPoints) Clear() {
r.ackPoints[0] = ackPoint{}
r.ackPoints[1] = ackPoint{}
func (r *recentAckPoints) MostRecentPoint() *ackPoint {
return &r.ackPoints[1]
func (r *recentAckPoints) LessRecentPoint() *ackPoint {
if r.ackPoints[0].totalBytesAcked != 0 {
return &r.ackPoints[0]
return &r.ackPoints[1]
// ConnectionStateOnSentPacket represents the information about a sent packet
// and the state of the connection at the moment the packet was sent,
// specifically the information about the most recently acknowledged packet at
// that moment.
type connectionStateOnSentPacket struct {
// Time at which the packet is sent.
sentTime time.Time
// Size of the packet.
size congestion.ByteCount
// The value of |totalBytesSentAtLastAckedPacket| at the time the
// packet was sent.
totalBytesSentAtLastAckedPacket congestion.ByteCount
// The value of |lastAckedPacketSentTime| at the time the packet was
// sent.
lastAckedPacketSentTime time.Time
// The value of |lastAckedPacketAckTime| at the time the packet was
// sent.
lastAckedPacketAckTime time.Time
// Send time states that are returned to the congestion controller when the
// packet is acked or lost.
sendTimeState sendTimeState
// Snapshot constructor. Records the current state of the bandwidth
// sampler.
// |bytes_in_flight| is the bytes in flight right after the packet is sent.
func newConnectionStateOnSentPacket(
sentTime time.Time,
size congestion.ByteCount,
bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount,
sampler *bandwidthSampler,
) *connectionStateOnSentPacket {
return &connectionStateOnSentPacket{
sentTime: sentTime,
size: size,
totalBytesSentAtLastAckedPacket: sampler.totalBytesSentAtLastAckedPacket,
lastAckedPacketSentTime: sampler.lastAckedPacketSentTime,
lastAckedPacketAckTime: sampler.lastAckedPacketAckTime,
sendTimeState: *newSendTimeState(
// BandwidthSampler keeps track of sent and acknowledged packets and outputs a
// bandwidth sample for every packet acknowledged. The samples are taken for
// individual packets, and are not filtered; the consumer has to filter the
// bandwidth samples itself. In certain cases, the sampler will locally severely
// underestimate the bandwidth, hence a maximum filter with a size of at least
// one RTT is recommended.
// This class bases its samples on the slope of two curves: the number of bytes
// sent over time, and the number of bytes acknowledged as received over time.
// It produces a sample of both slopes for every packet that gets acknowledged,
// based on a slope between two points on each of the corresponding curves. Note
// that due to the packet loss, the number of bytes on each curve might get
// further and further away from each other, meaning that it is not feasible to
// compare byte values coming from different curves with each other.
// The obvious points for measuring slope sample are the ones corresponding to
// the packet that was just acknowledged. Let us denote them as S_1 (point at
// which the current packet was sent) and A_1 (point at which the current packet
// was acknowledged). However, taking a slope requires two points on each line,
// so estimating bandwidth requires picking a packet in the past with respect to
// which the slope is measured.
// For that purpose, BandwidthSampler always keeps track of the most recently
// acknowledged packet, and records it together with every outgoing packet.
// When a packet gets acknowledged (A_1), it has not only information about when
// it itself was sent (S_1), but also the information about the latest
// acknowledged packet right before it was sent (S_0 and A_0).
// Based on that data, send and ack rate are estimated as:
// send_rate = (bytes(S_1) - bytes(S_0)) / (time(S_1) - time(S_0))
// ack_rate = (bytes(A_1) - bytes(A_0)) / (time(A_1) - time(A_0))
// Here, the ack rate is intuitively the rate we want to treat as bandwidth.
// However, in certain cases (e.g. ack compression) the ack rate at a point may
// end up higher than the rate at which the data was originally sent, which is
// not indicative of the real bandwidth. Hence, we use the send rate as an upper
// bound, and the sample value is
// rate_sample = Min(send_rate, ack_rate)
// An important edge case handled by the sampler is tracking the app-limited
// samples. There are multiple meaning of "app-limited" used interchangeably,
// hence it is important to understand and to be able to distinguish between
// them.
// Meaning 1: connection state. The connection is said to be app-limited when
// there is no outstanding data to send. This means that certain bandwidth
// samples in the future would not be an accurate indication of the link
// capacity, and it is important to inform consumer about that. Whenever
// connection becomes app-limited, the sampler is notified via OnAppLimited()
// method.
// Meaning 2: a phase in the bandwidth sampler. As soon as the bandwidth
// sampler becomes notified about the connection being app-limited, it enters
// app-limited phase. In that phase, all *sent* packets are marked as
// app-limited. Note that the connection itself does not have to be
// app-limited during the app-limited phase, and in fact it will not be
// (otherwise how would it send packets?). The boolean flag below indicates
// whether the sampler is in that phase.
// Meaning 3: a flag on the sent packet and on the sample. If a sent packet is
// sent during the app-limited phase, the resulting sample related to the
// packet will be marked as app-limited.
// With the terminology issue out of the way, let us consider the question of
// what kind of situation it addresses.
// Consider a scenario where we first send packets 1 to 20 at a regular
// bandwidth, and then immediately run out of data. After a few seconds, we send
// packets 21 to 60, and only receive ack for 21 between sending packets 40 and
// 41. In this case, when we sample bandwidth for packets 21 to 40, the S_0/A_0
// we use to compute the slope is going to be packet 20, a few seconds apart
// from the current packet, hence the resulting estimate would be extremely low
// and not indicative of anything. Only at packet 41 the S_0/A_0 will become 21,
// meaning that the bandwidth sample would exclude the quiescence.
// Based on the analysis of that scenario, we implement the following rule: once
// OnAppLimited() is called, all sent packets will produce app-limited samples
// up until an ack for a packet that was sent after OnAppLimited() was called.
// Note that while the scenario above is not the only scenario when the
// connection is app-limited, the approach works in other cases too.
type congestionEventSample struct {
// The maximum bandwidth sample from all acked packets.
// QuicBandwidth::Zero() if no samples are available.
sampleMaxBandwidth Bandwidth
// Whether |sample_max_bandwidth| is from a app-limited sample.
sampleIsAppLimited bool
// The minimum rtt sample from all acked packets.
// QuicTime::Delta::Infinite() if no samples are available.
sampleRtt time.Duration
// For each packet p in acked packets, this is the max value of INFLIGHT(p),
// where INFLIGHT(p) is the number of bytes acked while p is inflight.
sampleMaxInflight congestion.ByteCount
// The send state of the largest packet in acked_packets, unless it is
// empty. If acked_packets is empty, it's the send state of the largest
// packet in lost_packets.
lastPacketSendState sendTimeState
// The number of extra bytes acked from this ack event, compared to what is
// expected from the flow's bandwidth. Larger value means more ack
// aggregation.
extraAcked congestion.ByteCount
func newCongestionEventSample() *congestionEventSample {
return &congestionEventSample{
sampleRtt: infRTT,
type bandwidthSampler struct {
// The total number of congestion controlled bytes sent during the connection.
totalBytesSent congestion.ByteCount
// The total number of congestion controlled bytes which were acknowledged.
totalBytesAcked congestion.ByteCount
// The total number of congestion controlled bytes which were lost.
totalBytesLost congestion.ByteCount
// The total number of congestion controlled bytes which have been neutered.
totalBytesNeutered congestion.ByteCount
// The value of |total_bytes_sent_| at the time the last acknowledged packet
// was sent. Valid only when |last_acked_packet_sent_time_| is valid.
totalBytesSentAtLastAckedPacket congestion.ByteCount
// The time at which the last acknowledged packet was sent. Set to
// QuicTime::Zero() if no valid timestamp is available.
lastAckedPacketSentTime time.Time
// The time at which the most recent packet was acknowledged.
lastAckedPacketAckTime time.Time
// The most recently sent packet.
lastSentPacket congestion.PacketNumber
// The most recently acked packet.
lastAckedPacket congestion.PacketNumber
// Indicates whether the bandwidth sampler is currently in an app-limited
// phase.
isAppLimited bool
// The packet that will be acknowledged after this one will cause the sampler
// to exit the app-limited phase.
endOfAppLimitedPhase congestion.PacketNumber
// Record of the connection state at the point where each packet in flight was
// sent, indexed by the packet number.
connectionStateMap *packetNumberIndexedQueue[connectionStateOnSentPacket]
recentAckPoints recentAckPoints
a0Candidates RingBuffer[ackPoint]
// Maximum number of tracked packets.
maxTrackedPackets congestion.ByteCount
maxAckHeightTracker *maxAckHeightTracker
totalBytesAckedAfterLastAckEvent congestion.ByteCount
// True if connection option 'BSAO' is set.
overestimateAvoidance bool
// True if connection option 'BBRB' is set.
limitMaxAckHeightTrackerBySendRate bool
func newBandwidthSampler(maxAckHeightTrackerWindowLength roundTripCount) *bandwidthSampler {
b := &bandwidthSampler{
maxAckHeightTracker: newMaxAckHeightTracker(maxAckHeightTrackerWindowLength),
connectionStateMap: newPacketNumberIndexedQueue[connectionStateOnSentPacket](defaultConnectionStateMapQueueSize),
lastSentPacket: invalidPacketNumber,
lastAckedPacket: invalidPacketNumber,
endOfAppLimitedPhase: invalidPacketNumber,
return b
func (b *bandwidthSampler) MaxAckHeight() congestion.ByteCount {
return b.maxAckHeightTracker.Get()
func (b *bandwidthSampler) NumAckAggregationEpochs() uint64 {
return b.maxAckHeightTracker.NumAckAggregationEpochs()
func (b *bandwidthSampler) SetMaxAckHeightTrackerWindowLength(length roundTripCount) {
func (b *bandwidthSampler) ResetMaxAckHeightTracker(newHeight congestion.ByteCount, newTime roundTripCount) {
b.maxAckHeightTracker.Reset(newHeight, newTime)
func (b *bandwidthSampler) SetStartNewAggregationEpochAfterFullRound(value bool) {
func (b *bandwidthSampler) SetLimitMaxAckHeightTrackerBySendRate(value bool) {
b.limitMaxAckHeightTrackerBySendRate = value
func (b *bandwidthSampler) SetReduceExtraAckedOnBandwidthIncrease(value bool) {
func (b *bandwidthSampler) EnableOverestimateAvoidance() {
if b.overestimateAvoidance {
b.overestimateAvoidance = true
func (b *bandwidthSampler) IsOverestimateAvoidanceEnabled() bool {
return b.overestimateAvoidance
func (b *bandwidthSampler) OnPacketSent(
sentTime time.Time,
packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber,
bytes congestion.ByteCount,
bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount,
isRetransmittable bool,
) {
b.lastSentPacket = packetNumber
if !isRetransmittable {
b.totalBytesSent += bytes
// If there are no packets in flight, the time at which the new transmission
// opens can be treated as the A_0 point for the purpose of bandwidth
// sampling. This underestimates bandwidth to some extent, and produces some
// artificially low samples for most packets in flight, but it provides with
// samples at important points where we would not have them otherwise, most
// importantly at the beginning of the connection.
if bytesInFlight == 0 {
b.lastAckedPacketAckTime = sentTime
if b.overestimateAvoidance {
b.recentAckPoints.Update(sentTime, b.totalBytesAcked)
b.totalBytesSentAtLastAckedPacket = b.totalBytesSent
// In this situation ack compression is not a concern, set send rate to
// effectively infinite.
b.lastAckedPacketSentTime = sentTime
b.connectionStateMap.Emplace(packetNumber, newConnectionStateOnSentPacket(
func (b *bandwidthSampler) OnCongestionEvent(
ackTime time.Time,
ackedPackets []congestion.AckedPacketInfo,
lostPackets []congestion.LostPacketInfo,
maxBandwidth Bandwidth,
estBandwidthUpperBound Bandwidth,
roundTripCount roundTripCount,
) congestionEventSample {
eventSample := newCongestionEventSample()
var lastLostPacketSendState sendTimeState
for _, p := range lostPackets {
sendState := b.OnPacketLost(p.PacketNumber, p.BytesLost)
if sendState.isValid {
lastLostPacketSendState = sendState
if len(ackedPackets) == 0 {
// Only populate send state for a loss-only event.
eventSample.lastPacketSendState = lastLostPacketSendState
return *eventSample
var lastAckedPacketSendState sendTimeState
var maxSendRate Bandwidth
for _, p := range ackedPackets {
sample := b.onPacketAcknowledged(ackTime, p.PacketNumber)
if !sample.stateAtSend.isValid {
lastAckedPacketSendState = sample.stateAtSend
if sample.rtt != 0 {
eventSample.sampleRtt = Min(eventSample.sampleRtt, sample.rtt)
if sample.bandwidth > eventSample.sampleMaxBandwidth {
eventSample.sampleMaxBandwidth = sample.bandwidth
eventSample.sampleIsAppLimited = sample.stateAtSend.isAppLimited
if sample.sendRate != infBandwidth {
maxSendRate = Max(maxSendRate, sample.sendRate)
inflightSample := b.totalBytesAcked - lastAckedPacketSendState.totalBytesAcked
if inflightSample > eventSample.sampleMaxInflight {
eventSample.sampleMaxInflight = inflightSample
if !lastLostPacketSendState.isValid {
eventSample.lastPacketSendState = lastAckedPacketSendState
} else if !lastAckedPacketSendState.isValid {
eventSample.lastPacketSendState = lastLostPacketSendState
} else {
// If two packets are inflight and an alarm is armed to lose a packet and it
// wakes up late, then the first of two in flight packets could have been
// acknowledged before the wakeup, which re-evaluates loss detection, and
// could declare the later of the two lost.
if lostPackets[len(lostPackets)-1].PacketNumber > ackedPackets[len(ackedPackets)-1].PacketNumber {
eventSample.lastPacketSendState = lastLostPacketSendState
} else {
eventSample.lastPacketSendState = lastAckedPacketSendState
isNewMaxBandwidth := eventSample.sampleMaxBandwidth > maxBandwidth
maxBandwidth = Max(maxBandwidth, eventSample.sampleMaxBandwidth)
if b.limitMaxAckHeightTrackerBySendRate {
maxBandwidth = Max(maxBandwidth, maxSendRate)
eventSample.extraAcked = b.onAckEventEnd(Min(estBandwidthUpperBound, maxBandwidth), isNewMaxBandwidth, roundTripCount)
return *eventSample
func (b *bandwidthSampler) OnPacketLost(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber, bytesLost congestion.ByteCount) (s sendTimeState) {
b.totalBytesLost += bytesLost
if sentPacketPointer := b.connectionStateMap.GetEntry(packetNumber); sentPacketPointer != nil {
sentPacketToSendTimeState(sentPacketPointer, &s)
return s
func (b *bandwidthSampler) OnPacketNeutered(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber) {
b.connectionStateMap.Remove(packetNumber, func(sentPacket connectionStateOnSentPacket) {
b.totalBytesNeutered += sentPacket.size
func (b *bandwidthSampler) OnAppLimited() {
b.isAppLimited = true
b.endOfAppLimitedPhase = b.lastSentPacket
func (b *bandwidthSampler) RemoveObsoletePackets(leastUnacked congestion.PacketNumber) {
// A packet can become obsolete when it is removed from QuicUnackedPacketMap's
// view of inflight before it is acked or marked as lost. For example, when
// QuicSentPacketManager::RetransmitCryptoPackets retransmits a crypto packet,
// the packet is removed from QuicUnackedPacketMap's inflight, but is not
// marked as acked or lost in the BandwidthSampler.
func (b *bandwidthSampler) TotalBytesSent() congestion.ByteCount {
return b.totalBytesSent
func (b *bandwidthSampler) TotalBytesLost() congestion.ByteCount {
return b.totalBytesLost
func (b *bandwidthSampler) TotalBytesAcked() congestion.ByteCount {
return b.totalBytesAcked
func (b *bandwidthSampler) TotalBytesNeutered() congestion.ByteCount {
return b.totalBytesNeutered
func (b *bandwidthSampler) IsAppLimited() bool {
return b.isAppLimited
func (b *bandwidthSampler) EndOfAppLimitedPhase() congestion.PacketNumber {
return b.endOfAppLimitedPhase
func (b *bandwidthSampler) max_ack_height() congestion.ByteCount {
return b.maxAckHeightTracker.Get()
func (b *bandwidthSampler) chooseA0Point(totalBytesAcked congestion.ByteCount, a0 *ackPoint) bool {
if b.a0Candidates.Empty() {
return false
if b.a0Candidates.Len() == 1 {
*a0 = *b.a0Candidates.Front()
return true
for i := 1; i < b.a0Candidates.Len(); i++ {
if b.a0Candidates.Offset(i).totalBytesAcked > totalBytesAcked {
*a0 = *b.a0Candidates.Offset(i - 1)
if i > 1 {
for j := 0; j < i-1; j++ {
return true
*a0 = *b.a0Candidates.Back()
for k := 0; k < b.a0Candidates.Len()-1; k++ {
return true
func (b *bandwidthSampler) onPacketAcknowledged(ackTime time.Time, packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber) bandwidthSample {
sample := newBandwidthSample()
b.lastAckedPacket = packetNumber
sentPacketPointer := b.connectionStateMap.GetEntry(packetNumber)
if sentPacketPointer == nil {
return *sample
// OnPacketAcknowledgedInner
b.totalBytesAcked += sentPacketPointer.size
b.totalBytesSentAtLastAckedPacket = sentPacketPointer.sendTimeState.totalBytesSent
b.lastAckedPacketSentTime = sentPacketPointer.sentTime
b.lastAckedPacketAckTime = ackTime
if b.overestimateAvoidance {
b.recentAckPoints.Update(ackTime, b.totalBytesAcked)
if b.isAppLimited {
// Exit app-limited phase in two cases:
// (1) end_of_app_limited_phase_ is not initialized, i.e., so far all
// packets are sent while there are buffered packets or pending data.
// (2) The current acked packet is after the sent packet marked as the end
// of the app limit phase.
if b.endOfAppLimitedPhase == invalidPacketNumber ||
packetNumber > b.endOfAppLimitedPhase {
b.isAppLimited = false
// There might have been no packets acknowledged at the moment when the
// current packet was sent. In that case, there is no bandwidth sample to
// make.
if sentPacketPointer.lastAckedPacketSentTime.IsZero() {
return *sample
// Infinite rate indicates that the sampler is supposed to discard the
// current send rate sample and use only the ack rate.
sendRate := infBandwidth
if sentPacketPointer.sentTime.After(sentPacketPointer.lastAckedPacketSentTime) {
sendRate = BandwidthFromDelta(
var a0 ackPoint
if b.overestimateAvoidance && b.chooseA0Point(sentPacketPointer.sendTimeState.totalBytesAcked, &a0) {
} else {
a0.ackTime = sentPacketPointer.lastAckedPacketAckTime
a0.totalBytesAcked = sentPacketPointer.sendTimeState.totalBytesAcked
// During the slope calculation, ensure that ack time of the current packet is
// always larger than the time of the previous packet, otherwise division by
// zero or integer underflow can occur.
if ackTime.Sub(a0.ackTime) <= 0 {
return *sample
ackRate := BandwidthFromDelta(b.totalBytesAcked-a0.totalBytesAcked, ackTime.Sub(a0.ackTime))
sample.bandwidth = Min(sendRate, ackRate)
// Note: this sample does not account for delayed acknowledgement time. This
// means that the RTT measurements here can be artificially high, especially
// on low bandwidth connections.
sample.rtt = ackTime.Sub(sentPacketPointer.sentTime)
sample.sendRate = sendRate
sentPacketToSendTimeState(sentPacketPointer, &sample.stateAtSend)
return *sample
func (b *bandwidthSampler) onAckEventEnd(
bandwidthEstimate Bandwidth,
isNewMaxBandwidth bool,
roundTripCount roundTripCount,
) congestion.ByteCount {
newlyAckedBytes := b.totalBytesAcked - b.totalBytesAckedAfterLastAckEvent
if newlyAckedBytes == 0 {
return 0
b.totalBytesAckedAfterLastAckEvent = b.totalBytesAcked
extraAcked := b.maxAckHeightTracker.Update(
// If |extra_acked| is zero, i.e. this ack event marks the start of a new ack
// aggregation epoch, save LessRecentPoint, which is the last ack point of the
// previous epoch, as a A0 candidate.
if b.overestimateAvoidance && extraAcked == 0 {
return extraAcked
func sentPacketToSendTimeState(sentPacket *connectionStateOnSentPacket, sendTimeState *sendTimeState) {
*sendTimeState = sentPacket.sendTimeState
sendTimeState.isValid = true
// BytesFromBandwidthAndTimeDelta calculates the bytes
// from a bandwidth(bits per second) and a time delta
func bytesFromBandwidthAndTimeDelta(bandwidth Bandwidth, delta time.Duration) congestion.ByteCount {
return (congestion.ByteCount(bandwidth) * congestion.ByteCount(delta)) /
(congestion.ByteCount(time.Second) * 8)
func timeDeltaFromBytesAndBandwidth(bytes congestion.ByteCount, bandwidth Bandwidth) time.Duration {
return time.Duration(bytes*8) * time.Second / time.Duration(bandwidth)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
package congestion
// src from https://github.com/google/quiche/blob/e7872fc9e12bb1d46a118949c3d4da36de58aa44/quiche/quic/core/congestion_control/bbr_sender.cc
import (
// BbrSender implements BBR congestion control algorithm. BBR aims to estimate
// the current available Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT (hence the name), and
// regulates the pacing rate and the size of the congestion window based on
// those signals.
// BBR relies on pacing in order to function properly. Do not use BBR when
// pacing is disabled.
const (
invalidPacketNumber = -1
initialCongestionWindowPackets = 32
// Constants based on TCP defaults.
// The minimum CWND to ensure delayed acks don't reduce bandwidth measurements.
// Does not inflate the pacing rate.
defaultMinimumCongestionWindow = 4 * congestion.ByteCount(congestion.InitialPacketSizeIPv4)
// The gain used for the STARTUP, equal to 2/ln(2).
defaultHighGain = 2.885
// The newly derived gain for STARTUP, equal to 4 * ln(2)
derivedHighGain = 2.773
// The newly derived CWND gain for STARTUP, 2.
derivedHighCWNDGain = 2.0
// The cycle of gains used during the PROBE_BW stage.
var pacingGain = [...]float64{1.25, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
const (
// The length of the gain cycle.
gainCycleLength = len(pacingGain)
// The size of the bandwidth filter window, in round-trips.
bandwidthWindowSize = gainCycleLength + 2
// The time after which the current min_rtt value expires.
minRttExpiry = 10 * time.Second
// The minimum time the connection can spend in PROBE_RTT mode.
probeRttTime = 200 * time.Millisecond
// If the bandwidth does not increase by the factor of |kStartupGrowthTarget|
// within |kRoundTripsWithoutGrowthBeforeExitingStartup| rounds, the connection
// will exit the STARTUP mode.
startupGrowthTarget = 1.25
roundTripsWithoutGrowthBeforeExitingStartup = int64(3)
// Flag.
defaultStartupFullLossCount = 8
quicBbr2DefaultLossThreshold = 0.02
maxBbrBurstPackets = 3
type bbrMode int
const (
// Startup phase of the connection.
bbrModeStartup = iota
// After achieving the highest possible bandwidth during the startup, lower
// the pacing rate in order to drain the queue.
// Cruising mode.
// Temporarily slow down sending in order to empty the buffer and measure
// the real minimum RTT.
// Indicates how the congestion control limits the amount of bytes in flight.
type bbrRecoveryState int
const (
// Do not limit.
bbrRecoveryStateNotInRecovery = iota
// Allow an extra outstanding byte for each byte acknowledged.
// Allow two extra outstanding bytes for each byte acknowledged (slow
// start).
type bbrSender struct {
rttStats congestion.RTTStatsProvider
clock Clock
pacer *Pacer
mode bbrMode
// Bandwidth sampler provides BBR with the bandwidth measurements at
// individual points.
sampler *bandwidthSampler
// The number of the round trips that have occurred during the connection.
roundTripCount roundTripCount
// The packet number of the most recently sent packet.
lastSentPacket congestion.PacketNumber
// Acknowledgement of any packet after |current_round_trip_end_| will cause
// the round trip counter to advance.
currentRoundTripEnd congestion.PacketNumber
// Number of congestion events with some losses, in the current round.
numLossEventsInRound uint64
// Number of total bytes lost in the current round.
bytesLostInRound congestion.ByteCount
// The filter that tracks the maximum bandwidth over the multiple recent
// round-trips.
maxBandwidth *WindowedFilter[Bandwidth, roundTripCount]
// Minimum RTT estimate. Automatically expires within 10 seconds (and
// triggers PROBE_RTT mode) if no new value is sampled during that period.
minRtt time.Duration
// The time at which the current value of |min_rtt_| was assigned.
minRttTimestamp time.Time
// The maximum allowed number of bytes in flight.
congestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// The initial value of the |congestion_window_|.
initialCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// The largest value the |congestion_window_| can achieve.
maxCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// The smallest value the |congestion_window_| can achieve.
minCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount
// The pacing gain applied during the STARTUP phase.
highGain float64
// The CWND gain applied during the STARTUP phase.
highCwndGain float64
// The pacing gain applied during the DRAIN phase.
drainGain float64
// The current pacing rate of the connection.
pacingRate Bandwidth
// The gain currently applied to the pacing rate.
pacingGain float64
// The gain currently applied to the congestion window.
congestionWindowGain float64
// The gain used for the congestion window during PROBE_BW. Latched from
// quic_bbr_cwnd_gain flag.
congestionWindowGainConstant float64
// The number of RTTs to stay in STARTUP mode. Defaults to 3.
numStartupRtts int64
// Number of round-trips in PROBE_BW mode, used for determining the current
// pacing gain cycle.
cycleCurrentOffset int
// The time at which the last pacing gain cycle was started.
lastCycleStart time.Time
// Indicates whether the connection has reached the full bandwidth mode.
isAtFullBandwidth bool
// Number of rounds during which there was no significant bandwidth increase.
roundsWithoutBandwidthGain int64
// The bandwidth compared to which the increase is measured.
bandwidthAtLastRound Bandwidth
// Set to true upon exiting quiescence.
exitingQuiescence bool
// Time at which PROBE_RTT has to be exited. Setting it to zero indicates
// that the time is yet unknown as the number of packets in flight has not
// reached the required value.
exitProbeRttAt time.Time
// Indicates whether a round-trip has passed since PROBE_RTT became active.
probeRttRoundPassed bool
// Indicates whether the most recent bandwidth sample was marked as
// app-limited.
lastSampleIsAppLimited bool
// Indicates whether any non app-limited samples have been recorded.
hasNoAppLimitedSample bool
// Current state of recovery.
recoveryState bbrRecoveryState
// Receiving acknowledgement of a packet after |end_recovery_at_| will cause
// BBR to exit the recovery mode. A value above zero indicates at least one
// loss has been detected, so it must not be set back to zero.
endRecoveryAt congestion.PacketNumber
// A window used to limit the number of bytes in flight during loss recovery.
recoveryWindow congestion.ByteCount
// If true, consider all samples in recovery app-limited.
isAppLimitedRecovery bool // not used
// When true, pace at 1.5x and disable packet conservation in STARTUP.
slowerStartup bool // not used
// When true, disables packet conservation in STARTUP.
rateBasedStartup bool // not used
// When true, add the most recent ack aggregation measurement during STARTUP.
enableAckAggregationDuringStartup bool
// When true, expire the windowed ack aggregation values in STARTUP when
// bandwidth increases more than 25%.
expireAckAggregationInStartup bool
// If true, will not exit low gain mode until bytes_in_flight drops below BDP
// or it's time for high gain mode.
drainToTarget bool
// If true, slow down pacing rate in STARTUP when overshooting is detected.
detectOvershooting bool
// Bytes lost while detect_overshooting_ is true.
bytesLostWhileDetectingOvershooting congestion.ByteCount
// Slow down pacing rate if
// bytes_lost_while_detecting_overshooting_ *
// bytes_lost_multiplier_while_detecting_overshooting_ > IW.
bytesLostMultiplierWhileDetectingOvershooting uint8
// When overshooting is detected, do not drop pacing_rate_ below this value /
// min_rtt.
cwndToCalculateMinPacingRate congestion.ByteCount
// Max congestion window when adjusting network parameters.
maxCongestionWindowWithNetworkParametersAdjusted congestion.ByteCount // not used
// Params.
maxDatagramSize congestion.ByteCount
// Recorded on packet sent. equivalent |unacked_packets_->bytes_in_flight()|
bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount
var _ congestion.CongestionControl = &bbrSender{}
func NewBbrSender(
clock Clock,
initialMaxDatagramSize congestion.ByteCount,
initialCongestionWindowPackets congestion.ByteCount,
) *bbrSender {
return newBbrSender(
func newBbrSender(
clock Clock,
initialMaxCongestionWindow congestion.ByteCount,
) *bbrSender {
b := &bbrSender{
clock: clock,
mode: bbrModeStartup,
sampler: newBandwidthSampler(roundTripCount(bandwidthWindowSize)),
lastSentPacket: invalidPacketNumber,
currentRoundTripEnd: invalidPacketNumber,
maxBandwidth: NewWindowedFilter(roundTripCount(bandwidthWindowSize), MaxFilter[Bandwidth]),
congestionWindow: initialCongestionWindow,
initialCongestionWindow: initialCongestionWindow,
maxCongestionWindow: initialMaxCongestionWindow,
minCongestionWindow: defaultMinimumCongestionWindow,
highGain: defaultHighGain,
highCwndGain: defaultHighGain,
drainGain: 1.0 / defaultHighGain,
pacingGain: 1.0,
congestionWindowGain: 1.0,
congestionWindowGainConstant: 2.0,
numStartupRtts: roundTripsWithoutGrowthBeforeExitingStartup,
recoveryState: bbrRecoveryStateNotInRecovery,
endRecoveryAt: invalidPacketNumber,
recoveryWindow: initialMaxCongestionWindow,
bytesLostMultiplierWhileDetectingOvershooting: 2,
cwndToCalculateMinPacingRate: initialCongestionWindow,
maxCongestionWindowWithNetworkParametersAdjusted: initialMaxCongestionWindow,
maxDatagramSize: initialMaxDatagramSize,
b.pacer = NewPacer(func() congestion.ByteCount {
// Pacer wants bytes per second, but Bandwidth is in bits per second.
return congestion.ByteCount(float64(b.bandwidthEstimate()) * b.congestionWindowGain / float64(BytesPerSecond))
if b.tracer != nil {
b.lastState = logging.CongestionStateStartup
return b
func (b *bbrSender) SetRTTStatsProvider(provider congestion.RTTStatsProvider) {
b.rttStats = provider
// TimeUntilSend implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) TimeUntilSend(bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount) time.Time {
return b.pacer.TimeUntilSend()
// HasPacingBudget implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) HasPacingBudget(now time.Time) bool {
return b.pacer.Budget(now) >= b.maxDatagramSize
// OnPacketSent implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) OnPacketSent(
sentTime time.Time,
bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount,
packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber,
bytes congestion.ByteCount,
isRetransmittable bool,
) {
b.pacer.SentPacket(sentTime, bytes)
b.lastSentPacket = packetNumber
b.bytesInFlight = bytesInFlight
if bytesInFlight == 0 {
b.exitingQuiescence = true
b.sampler.OnPacketSent(sentTime, packetNumber, bytes, bytesInFlight, isRetransmittable)
// CanSend implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) CanSend(bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount) bool {
return bytesInFlight < b.GetCongestionWindow()
// MaybeExitSlowStart implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) MaybeExitSlowStart() {
// Do nothing
// OnPacketAcked implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) OnPacketAcked(number congestion.PacketNumber, ackedBytes, priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount, eventTime time.Time) {
// Do nothing.
// OnPacketLost implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) OnPacketLost(number congestion.PacketNumber, lostBytes, priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount) {
// Do nothing.
// OnRetransmissionTimeout implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) OnRetransmissionTimeout(packetsRetransmitted bool) {
// Do nothing.
// SetMaxDatagramSize implements the SendAlgorithm interface.
func (b *bbrSender) SetMaxDatagramSize(s congestion.ByteCount) {
if s < b.maxDatagramSize {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("congestion BUG: decreased max datagram size from %d to %d", b.maxDatagramSize, s))
cwndIsMinCwnd := b.congestionWindow == b.minCongestionWindow
b.maxDatagramSize = s
if cwndIsMinCwnd {
b.congestionWindow = b.minCongestionWindow
// InSlowStart implements the SendAlgorithmWithDebugInfos interface.
func (b *bbrSender) InSlowStart() bool {
return b.mode == bbrModeStartup
// InRecovery implements the SendAlgorithmWithDebugInfos interface.
func (b *bbrSender) InRecovery() bool {
return b.recoveryState != bbrRecoveryStateNotInRecovery
// GetCongestionWindow implements the SendAlgorithmWithDebugInfos interface.
func (b *bbrSender) GetCongestionWindow() congestion.ByteCount {
if b.mode == bbrModeProbeRtt {
return b.probeRttCongestionWindow()
if b.InRecovery() {
return Min(b.congestionWindow, b.recoveryWindow)
return b.congestionWindow
func (b *bbrSender) OnCongestionEvent(number congestion.PacketNumber, lostBytes, priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount) {
// Do nothing.
func (b *bbrSender) OnCongestionEventEx(priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount, eventTime time.Time, ackedPackets []congestion.AckedPacketInfo, lostPackets []congestion.LostPacketInfo) {
totalBytesAckedBefore := b.sampler.TotalBytesAcked()
totalBytesLostBefore := b.sampler.TotalBytesLost()
var isRoundStart, minRttExpired bool
var excessAcked, bytesLost congestion.ByteCount
// The send state of the largest packet in acked_packets, unless it is
// empty. If acked_packets is empty, it's the send state of the largest
// packet in lost_packets.
var lastPacketSendState sendTimeState
// Update bytesInFlight
b.bytesInFlight = priorInFlight
for _, p := range ackedPackets {
b.bytesInFlight -= p.BytesAcked
for _, p := range lostPackets {
b.bytesInFlight -= p.BytesLost
if len(ackedPackets) != 0 {
lastAckedPacket := ackedPackets[len(ackedPackets)-1].PacketNumber
isRoundStart = b.updateRoundTripCounter(lastAckedPacket)
b.updateRecoveryState(lastAckedPacket, len(lostPackets) != 0, isRoundStart)
sample := b.sampler.OnCongestionEvent(eventTime,
ackedPackets, lostPackets, b.maxBandwidth.GetBest(), infBandwidth, b.roundTripCount)
if sample.lastPacketSendState.isValid {
b.lastSampleIsAppLimited = sample.lastPacketSendState.isAppLimited
b.hasNoAppLimitedSample = b.hasNoAppLimitedSample || !b.lastSampleIsAppLimited
// Avoid updating |max_bandwidth_| if a) this is a loss-only event, or b) all
// packets in |acked_packets| did not generate valid samples. (e.g. ack of
// ack-only packets). In both cases, sampler_.total_bytes_acked() will not
// change.
if totalBytesAckedBefore != b.sampler.TotalBytesAcked() {
if !sample.sampleIsAppLimited || sample.sampleMaxBandwidth > b.maxBandwidth.GetBest() {
b.maxBandwidth.Update(sample.sampleMaxBandwidth, b.roundTripCount)
if sample.sampleRtt != infRTT {
minRttExpired = b.maybeUpdateMinRtt(eventTime, sample.sampleRtt)
bytesLost = b.sampler.TotalBytesLost() - totalBytesLostBefore
excessAcked = sample.extraAcked
lastPacketSendState = sample.lastPacketSendState
if len(lostPackets) != 0 {
b.bytesLostInRound += bytesLost
// Handle logic specific to PROBE_BW mode.
if b.mode == bbrModeProbeBw {
b.updateGainCyclePhase(eventTime, priorInFlight, len(lostPackets) != 0)
// Handle logic specific to STARTUP and DRAIN modes.
if isRoundStart && !b.isAtFullBandwidth {
// Handle logic specific to PROBE_RTT.
b.maybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(eventTime, isRoundStart, minRttExpired)
// Calculate number of packets acked and lost.
bytesAcked := b.sampler.TotalBytesAcked() - totalBytesAckedBefore
// After the model is updated, recalculate the pacing rate and congestion
// window.
b.calculateCongestionWindow(bytesAcked, excessAcked)
b.calculateRecoveryWindow(bytesAcked, bytesLost)
// Cleanup internal state.
if len(lostPackets) != 0 {
lastLostPacket := lostPackets[len(lostPackets)-1].PacketNumber
if isRoundStart {
b.numLossEventsInRound = 0
b.bytesLostInRound = 0
func (b *bbrSender) PacingRate() Bandwidth {
if b.pacingRate == 0 {
return Bandwidth(b.highGain * float64(
BandwidthFromDelta(b.initialCongestionWindow, b.getMinRtt())))
return b.pacingRate
func (b *bbrSender) hasGoodBandwidthEstimateForResumption() bool {
return b.hasNonAppLimitedSample()
func (b *bbrSender) hasNonAppLimitedSample() bool {
return b.hasNoAppLimitedSample
// Sets the pacing gain used in STARTUP. Must be greater than 1.
func (b *bbrSender) setHighGain(highGain float64) {
b.highGain = highGain
if b.mode == bbrModeStartup {
b.pacingGain = highGain
// Sets the CWND gain used in STARTUP. Must be greater than 1.
func (b *bbrSender) setHighCwndGain(highCwndGain float64) {
b.highCwndGain = highCwndGain
if b.mode == bbrModeStartup {
b.congestionWindowGain = highCwndGain
// Sets the gain used in DRAIN. Must be less than 1.
func (b *bbrSender) setDrainGain(drainGain float64) {
b.drainGain = drainGain
// What's the current estimated bandwidth in bytes per second.
func (b *bbrSender) bandwidthEstimate() Bandwidth {
return b.maxBandwidth.GetBest()
// Returns the current estimate of the RTT of the connection. Outside of the
// edge cases, this is minimum RTT.
func (b *bbrSender) getMinRtt() time.Duration {
if b.minRtt != 0 {
return b.minRtt
// min_rtt could be available if the handshake packet gets neutered then
// gets acknowledged. This could only happen for QUIC crypto where we do not
// drop keys.
minRtt := b.rttStats.MinRTT()
if minRtt == 0 {
return 100 * time.Millisecond
} else {
return minRtt
// Computes the target congestion window using the specified gain.
func (b *bbrSender) getTargetCongestionWindow(gain float64) congestion.ByteCount {
bdp := bdpFromRttAndBandwidth(b.getMinRtt(), b.bandwidthEstimate())
congestionWindow := congestion.ByteCount(gain * float64(bdp))
// BDP estimate will be zero if no bandwidth samples are available yet.
if congestionWindow == 0 {
congestionWindow = congestion.ByteCount(gain * float64(b.initialCongestionWindow))
return Max(congestionWindow, b.minCongestionWindow)
// The target congestion window during PROBE_RTT.
func (b *bbrSender) probeRttCongestionWindow() congestion.ByteCount {
return b.minCongestionWindow
func (b *bbrSender) maybeUpdateMinRtt(now time.Time, sampleMinRtt time.Duration) bool {
// Do not expire min_rtt if none was ever available.
minRttExpired := b.minRtt != 0 && now.After(b.minRttTimestamp.Add(minRttExpiry))
if minRttExpired || sampleMinRtt < b.minRtt || b.minRtt == 0 {
b.minRtt = sampleMinRtt
b.minRttTimestamp = now
return minRttExpired
// Enters the STARTUP mode.
func (b *bbrSender) enterStartupMode(now time.Time) {
b.mode = bbrModeStartup
// b.maybeTraceStateChange(logging.CongestionStateStartup)
b.pacingGain = b.highGain
b.congestionWindowGain = b.highCwndGain
// Enters the PROBE_BW mode.
func (b *bbrSender) enterProbeBandwidthMode(now time.Time) {
b.mode = bbrModeProbeBw
// b.maybeTraceStateChange(logging.CongestionStateProbeBw)
b.congestionWindowGain = b.congestionWindowGainConstant
// Pick a random offset for the gain cycle out of {0, 2..7} range. 1 is
// excluded because in that case increased gain and decreased gain would not
// follow each other.
b.cycleCurrentOffset = int(fastrand.Int31n(congestion.PacketsPerConnectionID)) % (gainCycleLength - 1)
if b.cycleCurrentOffset >= 1 {
b.cycleCurrentOffset += 1
b.lastCycleStart = now
b.pacingGain = pacingGain[b.cycleCurrentOffset]
// Updates the round-trip counter if a round-trip has passed. Returns true if
// the counter has been advanced.
func (b *bbrSender) updateRoundTripCounter(lastAckedPacket congestion.PacketNumber) bool {
if b.currentRoundTripEnd == invalidPacketNumber || lastAckedPacket > b.currentRoundTripEnd {
b.currentRoundTripEnd = b.lastSentPacket
return true
return false
// Updates the current gain used in PROBE_BW mode.
func (b *bbrSender) updateGainCyclePhase(now time.Time, priorInFlight congestion.ByteCount, hasLosses bool) {
// In most cases, the cycle is advanced after an RTT passes.
shouldAdvanceGainCycling := now.After(b.lastCycleStart.Add(b.getMinRtt()))
// If the pacing gain is above 1.0, the connection is trying to probe the
// bandwidth by increasing the number of bytes in flight to at least
// pacing_gain * BDP. Make sure that it actually reaches the target, as long
// as there are no losses suggesting that the buffers are not able to hold
// that much.
if b.pacingGain > 1.0 && !hasLosses && priorInFlight < b.getTargetCongestionWindow(b.pacingGain) {
shouldAdvanceGainCycling = false
// If pacing gain is below 1.0, the connection is trying to drain the extra
// queue which could have been incurred by probing prior to it. If the number
// of bytes in flight falls down to the estimated BDP value earlier, conclude
// that the queue has been successfully drained and exit this cycle early.
if b.pacingGain < 1.0 && b.bytesInFlight <= b.getTargetCongestionWindow(1) {
shouldAdvanceGainCycling = true
if shouldAdvanceGainCycling {
b.cycleCurrentOffset = (b.cycleCurrentOffset + 1) % gainCycleLength
b.lastCycleStart = now
// Stay in low gain mode until the target BDP is hit.
// Low gain mode will be exited immediately when the target BDP is achieved.
if b.drainToTarget && b.pacingGain < 1 &&
pacingGain[b.cycleCurrentOffset] == 1 &&
b.bytesInFlight > b.getTargetCongestionWindow(1) {
b.pacingGain = pacingGain[b.cycleCurrentOffset]
// Tracks for how many round-trips the bandwidth has not increased
// significantly.
func (b *bbrSender) checkIfFullBandwidthReached(lastPacketSendState *sendTimeState) {
if b.lastSampleIsAppLimited {
target := Bandwidth(float64(b.bandwidthAtLastRound) * startupGrowthTarget)
if b.bandwidthEstimate() >= target {
b.bandwidthAtLastRound = b.bandwidthEstimate()
b.roundsWithoutBandwidthGain = 0
if b.expireAckAggregationInStartup {
// Expire old excess delivery measurements now that bandwidth increased.
b.sampler.ResetMaxAckHeightTracker(0, b.roundTripCount)
if b.roundsWithoutBandwidthGain >= b.numStartupRtts ||
b.shouldExitStartupDueToLoss(lastPacketSendState) {
b.isAtFullBandwidth = true
func (b *bbrSender) maybeApplimited(bytesInFlight congestion.ByteCount) {
congestionWindow := b.GetCongestionWindow()
if bytesInFlight >= congestionWindow {
availableBytes := congestionWindow - bytesInFlight
drainLimited := b.mode == bbrModeDrain && bytesInFlight > congestionWindow/2
if !drainLimited || availableBytes > maxBbrBurstPackets*b.maxDatagramSize {
// Transitions from STARTUP to DRAIN and from DRAIN to PROBE_BW if
// appropriate.
func (b *bbrSender) maybeExitStartupOrDrain(now time.Time) {
if b.mode == bbrModeStartup && b.isAtFullBandwidth {
b.mode = bbrModeDrain
// b.maybeTraceStateChange(logging.CongestionStateDrain)
b.pacingGain = b.drainGain
b.congestionWindowGain = b.highCwndGain
if b.mode == bbrModeDrain && b.bytesInFlight <= b.getTargetCongestionWindow(1) {
// Decides whether to enter or exit PROBE_RTT.
func (b *bbrSender) maybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(now time.Time, isRoundStart, minRttExpired bool) {
if minRttExpired && !b.exitingQuiescence && b.mode != bbrModeProbeRtt {
b.mode = bbrModeProbeRtt
// b.maybeTraceStateChange(logging.CongestionStateProbRtt)
b.pacingGain = 1.0
// Do not decide on the time to exit PROBE_RTT until the |bytes_in_flight|
// is at the target small value.
b.exitProbeRttAt = time.Time{}
if b.mode == bbrModeProbeRtt {
// b.maybeTraceStateChange(logging.CongestionStateApplicationLimited)
if b.exitProbeRttAt.IsZero() {
// If the window has reached the appropriate size, schedule exiting
// PROBE_RTT. The CWND during PROBE_RTT is kMinimumCongestionWindow, but
// we allow an extra packet since QUIC checks CWND before sending a
// packet.
if b.bytesInFlight < b.probeRttCongestionWindow()+congestion.MaxPacketBufferSize {
b.exitProbeRttAt = now.Add(probeRttTime)
b.probeRttRoundPassed = false
} else {
if isRoundStart {
b.probeRttRoundPassed = true
if now.Sub(b.exitProbeRttAt) >= 0 && b.probeRttRoundPassed {
b.minRttTimestamp = now
if !b.isAtFullBandwidth {
} else {
b.exitingQuiescence = false
// Determines whether BBR needs to enter, exit or advance state of the
// recovery.
func (b *bbrSender) updateRecoveryState(lastAckedPacket congestion.PacketNumber, hasLosses, isRoundStart bool) {
// Disable recovery in startup, if loss-based exit is enabled.
if !b.isAtFullBandwidth {
// Exit recovery when there are no losses for a round.
if hasLosses {
b.endRecoveryAt = b.lastSentPacket
switch b.recoveryState {
case bbrRecoveryStateNotInRecovery:
if hasLosses {
b.recoveryState = bbrRecoveryStateConservation
// This will cause the |recovery_window_| to be set to the correct
// value in CalculateRecoveryWindow().
b.recoveryWindow = 0
// Since the conservation phase is meant to be lasting for a whole
// round, extend the current round as if it were started right now.
b.currentRoundTripEnd = b.lastSentPacket
case bbrRecoveryStateConservation:
if isRoundStart {
b.recoveryState = bbrRecoveryStateGrowth
case bbrRecoveryStateGrowth:
// Exit recovery if appropriate.
if !hasLosses && lastAckedPacket > b.endRecoveryAt {
b.recoveryState = bbrRecoveryStateNotInRecovery
// Determines the appropriate pacing rate for the connection.
func (b *bbrSender) calculatePacingRate(bytesLost congestion.ByteCount) {
if b.bandwidthEstimate() == 0 {
targetRate := Bandwidth(b.pacingGain * float64(b.bandwidthEstimate()))
if b.isAtFullBandwidth {
b.pacingRate = targetRate
// Pace at the rate of initial_window / RTT as soon as RTT measurements are
// available.
if b.pacingRate == 0 && b.rttStats.MinRTT() != 0 {
b.pacingRate = BandwidthFromDelta(b.initialCongestionWindow, b.rttStats.MinRTT())
if b.detectOvershooting {
b.bytesLostWhileDetectingOvershooting += bytesLost
// Check for overshooting with network parameters adjusted when pacing rate
// > target_rate and loss has been detected.
if b.pacingRate > targetRate && b.bytesLostWhileDetectingOvershooting > 0 {
if b.hasNoAppLimitedSample ||
b.bytesLostWhileDetectingOvershooting*congestion.ByteCount(b.bytesLostMultiplierWhileDetectingOvershooting) > b.initialCongestionWindow {
// We are fairly sure overshoot happens if 1) there is at least one
// non app-limited bw sample or 2) half of IW gets lost. Slow pacing
// rate.
b.pacingRate = Max(targetRate, BandwidthFromDelta(b.cwndToCalculateMinPacingRate, b.rttStats.MinRTT()))
b.bytesLostWhileDetectingOvershooting = 0
b.detectOvershooting = false
// Do not decrease the pacing rate during startup.
b.pacingRate = Max(b.pacingRate, targetRate)
// Determines the appropriate congestion window for the connection.
func (b *bbrSender) calculateCongestionWindow(bytesAcked, excessAcked congestion.ByteCount) {
if b.mode == bbrModeProbeRtt {
targetWindow := b.getTargetCongestionWindow(b.congestionWindowGain)
if b.isAtFullBandwidth {
// Add the max recently measured ack aggregation to CWND.
targetWindow += b.sampler.MaxAckHeight()
} else if b.enableAckAggregationDuringStartup {
// Add the most recent excess acked. Because CWND never decreases in
// STARTUP, this will automatically create a very localized max filter.
targetWindow += excessAcked
// Instead of immediately setting the target CWND as the new one, BBR grows
// the CWND towards |target_window| by only increasing it |bytes_acked| at a
// time.
if b.isAtFullBandwidth {
b.congestionWindow = Min(targetWindow, b.congestionWindow+bytesAcked)
} else if b.congestionWindow < targetWindow ||
b.sampler.TotalBytesAcked() < b.initialCongestionWindow {
// If the connection is not yet out of startup phase, do not decrease the
// window.
b.congestionWindow += bytesAcked
// Enforce the limits on the congestion window.
b.congestionWindow = Max(b.congestionWindow, b.minCongestionWindow)
b.congestionWindow = Min(b.congestionWindow, b.maxCongestionWindow)
// Determines the appropriate window that constrains the in-flight during recovery.
func (b *bbrSender) calculateRecoveryWindow(bytesAcked, bytesLost congestion.ByteCount) {
if b.recoveryState == bbrRecoveryStateNotInRecovery {
// Set up the initial recovery window.
if b.recoveryWindow == 0 {
b.recoveryWindow = b.bytesInFlight + bytesAcked
b.recoveryWindow = Max(b.minCongestionWindow, b.recoveryWindow)
// Remove losses from the recovery window, while accounting for a potential
// integer underflow.
if b.recoveryWindow >= bytesLost {
b.recoveryWindow = b.recoveryWindow - bytesLost
} else {
b.recoveryWindow = b.maxDatagramSize
// In CONSERVATION mode, just subtracting losses is sufficient. In GROWTH,
// release additional |bytes_acked| to achieve a slow-start-like behavior.
if b.recoveryState == bbrRecoveryStateGrowth {
b.recoveryWindow += bytesAcked
// Always allow sending at least |bytes_acked| in response.
b.recoveryWindow = Max(b.recoveryWindow, b.bytesInFlight+bytesAcked)
b.recoveryWindow = Max(b.minCongestionWindow, b.recoveryWindow)
// Return whether we should exit STARTUP due to excessive loss.
func (b *bbrSender) shouldExitStartupDueToLoss(lastPacketSendState *sendTimeState) bool {
if b.numLossEventsInRound < defaultStartupFullLossCount || !lastPacketSendState.isValid {
return false
inflightAtSend := lastPacketSendState.bytesInFlight
if inflightAtSend > 0 && b.bytesLostInRound > 0 {
if b.bytesLostInRound > congestion.ByteCount(float64(inflightAtSend)*quicBbr2DefaultLossThreshold) {
return true
return false
return false
func bdpFromRttAndBandwidth(rtt time.Duration, bandwidth Bandwidth) congestion.ByteCount {
return congestion.ByteCount(rtt) * congestion.ByteCount(bandwidth) / congestion.ByteCount(BytesPerSecond) / congestion.ByteCount(time.Second)
func GetInitialPacketSize(addr net.Addr) congestion.ByteCount {
// If this is not a UDP address, we don't know anything about the MTU.
// Use the minimum size of an Initial packet as the max packet size.
if udpAddr, ok := addr.(*net.UDPAddr); ok {
if udpAddr.IP.To4() != nil {
return congestion.InitialPacketSizeIPv4
} else {
return congestion.InitialPacketSizeIPv6
} else {
return congestion.MinInitialPacketSize
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package congestion
import "time"
// A Clock returns the current time
type Clock interface {
Now() time.Time
// DefaultClock implements the Clock interface using the Go stdlib clock.
type DefaultClock struct{}
var _ Clock = DefaultClock{}
// Now gets the current time
func (DefaultClock) Now() time.Time {
return time.Now()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
//go:build !go1.21
package congestion
import "golang.org/x/exp/constraints"
func Max[T constraints.Ordered](a, b T) T {
if a < b {
return b
return a
func Min[T constraints.Ordered](a, b T) T {
if a < b {
return a
return b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
//go:build go1.21
package congestion
import "cmp"
func Max[T cmp.Ordered](a, b T) T {
return max(a, b)
func Min[T cmp.Ordered](a, b T) T {
return min(a, b)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package congestion
import (
const (
maxBurstPackets = 10
// Pacer implements a token bucket pacing algorithm.
type Pacer struct {
budgetAtLastSent congestion.ByteCount
maxDatagramSize congestion.ByteCount
lastSentTime time.Time
getBandwidth func() congestion.ByteCount // in bytes/s
func NewPacer(getBandwidth func() congestion.ByteCount) *Pacer {
p := &Pacer{
budgetAtLastSent: maxBurstPackets * congestion.InitialPacketSizeIPv4,
maxDatagramSize: congestion.InitialPacketSizeIPv4,
getBandwidth: getBandwidth,
return p
func (p *Pacer) SentPacket(sendTime time.Time, size congestion.ByteCount) {
budget := p.Budget(sendTime)
if size > budget {
p.budgetAtLastSent = 0
} else {
p.budgetAtLastSent = budget - size
p.lastSentTime = sendTime
func (p *Pacer) Budget(now time.Time) congestion.ByteCount {
if p.lastSentTime.IsZero() {
return p.maxBurstSize()
budget := p.budgetAtLastSent + (p.getBandwidth()*congestion.ByteCount(now.Sub(p.lastSentTime).Nanoseconds()))/1e9
return Min(p.maxBurstSize(), budget)
func (p *Pacer) maxBurstSize() congestion.ByteCount {
return Max(
// TimeUntilSend returns when the next packet should be sent.
// It returns the zero value of time.Time if a packet can be sent immediately.
func (p *Pacer) TimeUntilSend() time.Time {
if p.budgetAtLastSent >= p.maxDatagramSize {
return time.Time{}
return p.lastSentTime.Add(Max(
func (p *Pacer) SetMaxDatagramSize(s congestion.ByteCount) {
p.maxDatagramSize = s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
package congestion
import (
// packetNumberIndexedQueue is a queue of mostly continuous numbered entries
// which supports the following operations:
// - adding elements to the end of the queue, or at some point past the end
// - removing elements in any order
// - retrieving elements
// If all elements are inserted in order, all of the operations above are
// amortized O(1) time.
// Internally, the data structure is a deque where each element is marked as
// present or not. The deque starts at the lowest present index. Whenever an
// element is removed, it's marked as not present, and the front of the deque is
// cleared of elements that are not present.
// The tail of the queue is not cleared due to the assumption of entries being
// inserted in order, though removing all elements of the queue will return it
// to its initial state.
// Note that this data structure is inherently hazardous, since an addition of
// just two entries will cause it to consume all of the memory available.
// Because of that, it is not a general-purpose container and should not be used
// as one.
type entryWrapper[T any] struct {
present bool
entry T
type packetNumberIndexedQueue[T any] struct {
entries RingBuffer[entryWrapper[T]]
numberOfPresentEntries int
firstPacket congestion.PacketNumber
func newPacketNumberIndexedQueue[T any](size int) *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T] {
q := &packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]{
firstPacket: invalidPacketNumber,
return q
// Emplace inserts data associated |packet_number| into (or past) the end of the
// queue, filling up the missing intermediate entries as necessary. Returns
// true if the element has been inserted successfully, false if it was already
// in the queue or inserted out of order.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) Emplace(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber, entry *T) bool {
if packetNumber == invalidPacketNumber || entry == nil {
return false
if p.IsEmpty() {
present: true,
entry: *entry,
p.numberOfPresentEntries = 1
p.firstPacket = packetNumber
return true
// Do not allow insertion out-of-order.
if packetNumber <= p.LastPacket() {
return false
// Handle potentially missing elements.
offset := int(packetNumber - p.FirstPacket())
if gap := offset - p.entries.Len(); gap > 0 {
for i := 0; i < gap; i++ {
present: true,
entry: *entry,
return true
// GetEntry Retrieve the entry associated with the packet number. Returns the pointer
// to the entry in case of success, or nullptr if the entry does not exist.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) GetEntry(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber) *T {
ew := p.getEntryWraper(packetNumber)
if ew == nil {
return nil
return &ew.entry
// Remove, Same as above, but if an entry is present in the queue, also call f(entry)
// before removing it.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) Remove(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber, f func(T)) bool {
ew := p.getEntryWraper(packetNumber)
if ew == nil {
return false
if f != nil {
ew.present = false
if packetNumber == p.FirstPacket() {
return true
// RemoveUpTo, but not including |packet_number|.
// Unused slots in the front are also removed, which means when the function
// returns, |first_packet()| can be larger than |packet_number|.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) RemoveUpTo(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber) {
for !p.entries.Empty() &&
p.firstPacket != invalidPacketNumber &&
p.firstPacket < packetNumber {
if p.entries.Front().present {
// IsEmpty return if queue is empty.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) IsEmpty() bool {
return p.numberOfPresentEntries == 0
// NumberOfPresentEntries returns the number of entries in the queue.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) NumberOfPresentEntries() int {
return p.numberOfPresentEntries
// EntrySlotsUsed returns the number of entries allocated in the underlying deque. This is
// proportional to the memory usage of the queue.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) EntrySlotsUsed() int {
return p.entries.Len()
// LastPacket returns packet number of the first entry in the queue.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) FirstPacket() (packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber) {
return p.firstPacket
// LastPacket returns packet number of the last entry ever inserted in the queue. Note that the
// entry in question may have already been removed. Zero if the queue is
// empty.
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) LastPacket() (packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber) {
if p.IsEmpty() {
return invalidPacketNumber
return p.firstPacket + congestion.PacketNumber(p.entries.Len()-1)
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) clearup() {
for !p.entries.Empty() && !p.entries.Front().present {
if p.entries.Empty() {
p.firstPacket = invalidPacketNumber
func (p *packetNumberIndexedQueue[T]) getEntryWraper(packetNumber congestion.PacketNumber) *entryWrapper[T] {
if packetNumber == invalidPacketNumber ||
p.IsEmpty() ||
packetNumber < p.firstPacket {
return nil
offset := int(packetNumber - p.firstPacket)
if offset >= p.entries.Len() {
return nil
ew := p.entries.Offset(offset)
if ew == nil || !ew.present {
return nil
return ew
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package congestion
// A RingBuffer is a ring buffer.
// It acts as a heap that doesn't cause any allocations.
type RingBuffer[T any] struct {
ring []T
headPos, tailPos int
full bool
// Init preallocs a buffer with a certain size.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) Init(size int) {
r.ring = make([]T, size)
// Len returns the number of elements in the ring buffer.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) Len() int {
if r.full {
return len(r.ring)
if r.tailPos >= r.headPos {
return r.tailPos - r.headPos
return r.tailPos - r.headPos + len(r.ring)
// Empty says if the ring buffer is empty.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) Empty() bool {
return !r.full && r.headPos == r.tailPos
// PushBack adds a new element.
// If the ring buffer is full, its capacity is increased first.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) PushBack(t T) {
if r.full || len(r.ring) == 0 {
r.ring[r.tailPos] = t
if r.tailPos == len(r.ring) {
r.tailPos = 0
if r.tailPos == r.headPos {
r.full = true
// PopFront returns the next element.
// It must not be called when the buffer is empty, that means that
// callers might need to check if there are elements in the buffer first.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) PopFront() T {
if r.Empty() {
panic("github.com/quic-go/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: pop from an empty queue")
r.full = false
t := r.ring[r.headPos]
r.ring[r.headPos] = *new(T)
if r.headPos == len(r.ring) {
r.headPos = 0
return t
// Offset returns the offset element.
// It must not be called when the buffer is empty, that means that
// callers might need to check if there are elements in the buffer first
// and check if the index larger than buffer length.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) Offset(index int) *T {
if r.Empty() || index >= r.Len() {
panic("github.com/quic-go/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: offset from invalid index")
offset := (r.headPos + index) % len(r.ring)
return &r.ring[offset]
// Front returns the front element.
// It must not be called when the buffer is empty, that means that
// callers might need to check if there are elements in the buffer first.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) Front() *T {
if r.Empty() {
panic("github.com/quic-go/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: front from an empty queue")
return &r.ring[r.headPos]
// Back returns the back element.
// It must not be called when the buffer is empty, that means that
// callers might need to check if there are elements in the buffer first.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) Back() *T {
if r.Empty() {
panic("github.com/quic-go/quic-go/internal/utils/ringbuffer: back from an empty queue")
return r.Offset(r.Len() - 1)
// Grow the maximum size of the queue.
// This method assume the queue is full.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) grow() {
oldRing := r.ring
newSize := len(oldRing) * 2
if newSize == 0 {
newSize = 1
r.ring = make([]T, newSize)
headLen := copy(r.ring, oldRing[r.headPos:])
copy(r.ring[headLen:], oldRing[:r.headPos])
r.headPos, r.tailPos, r.full = 0, len(oldRing), false
// Clear removes all elements.
func (r *RingBuffer[T]) Clear() {
var zeroValue T
for i := range r.ring {
r.ring[i] = zeroValue
r.headPos, r.tailPos, r.full = 0, 0, false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
package congestion
import (
// Implements Kathleen Nichols' algorithm for tracking the minimum (or maximum)
// estimate of a stream of samples over some fixed time interval. (E.g.,
// the minimum RTT over the past five minutes.) The algorithm keeps track of
// the best, second best, and third best min (or max) estimates, maintaining an
// invariant that the measurement time of the n'th best >= n-1'th best.
// The algorithm works as follows. On a reset, all three estimates are set to
// the same sample. The second best estimate is then recorded in the second
// quarter of the window, and a third best estimate is recorded in the second
// half of the window, bounding the worst case error when the true min is
// monotonically increasing (or true max is monotonically decreasing) over the
// window.
// A new best sample replaces all three estimates, since the new best is lower
// (or higher) than everything else in the window and it is the most recent.
// The window thus effectively gets reset on every new min. The same property
// holds true for second best and third best estimates. Specifically, when a
// sample arrives that is better than the second best but not better than the
// best, it replaces the second and third best estimates but not the best
// estimate. Similarly, a sample that is better than the third best estimate
// but not the other estimates replaces only the third best estimate.
// Finally, when the best expires, it is replaced by the second best, which in
// turn is replaced by the third best. The newest sample replaces the third
// best.
type WindowedFilterValue interface {
type WindowedFilterTime interface {
constraints.Integer | constraints.Float
type WindowedFilter[V WindowedFilterValue, T WindowedFilterTime] struct {
// Time length of window.
windowLength T
estimates []entry[V, T]
comparator func(V, V) int
type entry[V WindowedFilterValue, T WindowedFilterTime] struct {
sample V
time T
// Compares two values and returns true if the first is greater than or equal
// to the second.
func MaxFilter[O constraints.Ordered](a, b O) int {
if a > b {
return 1
} else if a < b {
return -1
return 0
// Compares two values and returns true if the first is less than or equal
// to the second.
func MinFilter[O constraints.Ordered](a, b O) int {
if a < b {
return 1
} else if a > b {
return -1
return 0
func NewWindowedFilter[V WindowedFilterValue, T WindowedFilterTime](windowLength T, comparator func(V, V) int) *WindowedFilter[V, T] {
return &WindowedFilter[V, T]{
windowLength: windowLength,
estimates: make([]entry[V, T], 3, 3),
comparator: comparator,
// Changes the window length. Does not update any current samples.
func (f *WindowedFilter[V, T]) SetWindowLength(windowLength T) {
f.windowLength = windowLength
func (f *WindowedFilter[V, T]) GetBest() V {
return f.estimates[0].sample
func (f *WindowedFilter[V, T]) GetSecondBest() V {
return f.estimates[1].sample
func (f *WindowedFilter[V, T]) GetThirdBest() V {
return f.estimates[2].sample
// Updates best estimates with |sample|, and expires and updates best
// estimates as necessary.
func (f *WindowedFilter[V, T]) Update(newSample V, newTime T) {
// Reset all estimates if they have not yet been initialized, if new sample
// is a new best, or if the newest recorded estimate is too old.
if f.comparator(f.estimates[0].sample, *new(V)) == 0 ||
f.comparator(newSample, f.estimates[0].sample) >= 0 ||
newTime-f.estimates[2].time > f.windowLength {
f.Reset(newSample, newTime)
if f.comparator(newSample, f.estimates[1].sample) >= 0 {
f.estimates[1] = entry[V, T]{newSample, newTime}
f.estimates[2] = f.estimates[1]
} else if f.comparator(newSample, f.estimates[2].sample) >= 0 {
f.estimates[2] = entry[V, T]{newSample, newTime}
// Expire and update estimates as necessary.
if newTime-f.estimates[0].time > f.windowLength {
// The best estimate hasn't been updated for an entire window, so promote
// second and third best estimates.
f.estimates[0] = f.estimates[1]
f.estimates[1] = f.estimates[2]
f.estimates[2] = entry[V, T]{newSample, newTime}
// Need to iterate one more time. Check if the new best estimate is
// outside the window as well, since it may also have been recorded a
// long time ago. Don't need to iterate once more since we cover that
// case at the beginning of the method.
if newTime-f.estimates[0].time > f.windowLength {
f.estimates[0] = f.estimates[1]
f.estimates[1] = f.estimates[2]
if f.comparator(f.estimates[1].sample, f.estimates[0].sample) == 0 &&
newTime-f.estimates[1].time > f.windowLength/4 {
// A quarter of the window has passed without a better sample, so the
// second-best estimate is taken from the second quarter of the window.
f.estimates[1] = entry[V, T]{newSample, newTime}
f.estimates[2] = f.estimates[1]
if f.comparator(f.estimates[2].sample, f.estimates[1].sample) == 0 &&
newTime-f.estimates[2].time > f.windowLength/2 {
// We've passed a half of the window without a better estimate, so take
// a third-best estimate from the second half of the window.
f.estimates[2] = entry[V, T]{newSample, newTime}
// Resets all estimates to new sample.
func (f *WindowedFilter[V, T]) Reset(newSample V, newTime T) {
f.estimates[2] = entry[V, T]{newSample, newTime}
f.estimates[1] = f.estimates[2]
f.estimates[0] = f.estimates[1]
func (f *WindowedFilter[V, T]) Clear() {
f.estimates = make([]entry[V, T], 3, 3)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user