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synced 2025-02-24 05:02:14 +08:00
421 lines
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421 lines
9.8 KiB
package v5
import (
atomic2 "github.com/metacubex/mihomo/common/atomic"
N "github.com/metacubex/mihomo/common/net"
C "github.com/metacubex/mihomo/constant"
type ClientOption struct {
TlsConfig *tls.Config
QuicConfig *quic.Config
Uuid [16]byte
Password string
UdpRelayMode common.UdpRelayMode
CongestionController string
ReduceRtt bool
MaxUdpRelayPacketSize int
MaxOpenStreams int64
CWND int
type clientImpl struct {
udp bool
quicConn quic.Connection
connMutex sync.Mutex
openStreams atomic.Int64
closed atomic.Bool
udpInputMap *xsync.MapOf[uint16, net.Conn]
// only ready for PoolClient
dialerRef C.Dialer
lastVisited atomic2.TypedValue[time.Time]
func (t *clientImpl) OpenStreams() int64 {
return t.openStreams.Load()
func (t *clientImpl) DialerRef() C.Dialer {
return t.dialerRef
func (t *clientImpl) LastVisited() time.Time {
return t.lastVisited.Load()
func (t *clientImpl) SetLastVisited(last time.Time) {
func (t *clientImpl) getQuicConn(ctx context.Context, dialer C.Dialer, dialFn common.DialFunc) (quic.Connection, error) {
defer t.connMutex.Unlock()
if t.quicConn != nil {
return t.quicConn, nil
transport, addr, err := dialFn(ctx, dialer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var quicConn quic.Connection
if t.ReduceRtt {
quicConn, err = transport.DialEarly(ctx, addr, t.TlsConfig, t.QuicConfig)
} else {
quicConn, err = transport.Dial(ctx, addr, t.TlsConfig, t.QuicConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
common.SetCongestionController(quicConn, t.CongestionController, t.CWND)
go func() {
_ = t.sendAuthentication(quicConn)
if t.udp && t.UdpRelayMode == common.QUIC {
go func() {
_ = t.handleUniStream(quicConn)
go func() {
_ = t.handleMessage(quicConn) // always handleMessage because tuicV5 using datagram to send the Heartbeat
t.quicConn = quicConn
return quicConn, nil
func (t *clientImpl) sendAuthentication(quicConn quic.Connection) (err error) {
defer func() {
t.deferQuicConn(quicConn, err)
stream, err := quicConn.OpenUniStream()
if err != nil {
return err
buf := pool.GetBuffer()
defer pool.PutBuffer(buf)
token, err := GenToken(quicConn.ConnectionState(), t.Uuid, t.Password)
if err != nil {
return err
err = NewAuthenticate(t.Uuid, token).WriteTo(buf)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = buf.WriteTo(stream)
if err != nil {
return err
err = stream.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil
func (t *clientImpl) handleUniStream(quicConn quic.Connection) (err error) {
defer func() {
t.deferQuicConn(quicConn, err)
for {
var stream quic.ReceiveStream
stream, err = quicConn.AcceptUniStream(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
go func() (err error) {
var assocId uint16
defer func() {
t.deferQuicConn(quicConn, err)
if err != nil && assocId != 0 {
if val, ok := t.udpInputMap.LoadAndDelete(assocId); ok {
if conn, ok := val.(net.Conn); ok {
_ = conn.Close()
reader := bufio.NewReader(stream)
commandHead, err := ReadCommandHead(reader)
if err != nil {
switch commandHead.TYPE {
case PacketType:
var packet Packet
packet, err = ReadPacketWithHead(commandHead, reader)
if err != nil {
if t.udp && t.UdpRelayMode == common.QUIC {
assocId = packet.ASSOC_ID
if val, ok := t.udpInputMap.Load(assocId); ok {
if conn, ok := val.(net.Conn); ok {
writer := bufio.NewWriterSize(conn, packet.BytesLen())
_ = packet.WriteTo(writer)
_ = writer.Flush()
func (t *clientImpl) handleMessage(quicConn quic.Connection) (err error) {
defer func() {
t.deferQuicConn(quicConn, err)
for {
var message []byte
message, err = quicConn.ReceiveDatagram(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
go func() (err error) {
var assocId uint16
defer func() {
t.deferQuicConn(quicConn, err)
if err != nil && assocId != 0 {
if val, ok := t.udpInputMap.LoadAndDelete(assocId); ok {
if conn, ok := val.(net.Conn); ok {
_ = conn.Close()
reader := bytes.NewBuffer(message)
commandHead, err := ReadCommandHead(reader)
if err != nil {
switch commandHead.TYPE {
case PacketType:
var packet Packet
packet, err = ReadPacketWithHead(commandHead, reader)
if err != nil {
if t.udp && t.UdpRelayMode == common.NATIVE {
assocId = packet.ASSOC_ID
if val, ok := t.udpInputMap.Load(assocId); ok {
if conn, ok := val.(net.Conn); ok {
_, _ = conn.Write(message)
case HeartbeatType:
var heartbeat Heartbeat
heartbeat, err = ReadHeartbeatWithHead(commandHead, reader)
if err != nil {
func (t *clientImpl) deferQuicConn(quicConn quic.Connection, err error) {
var netError net.Error
if err != nil && errors.As(err, &netError) {
t.forceClose(quicConn, err)
func (t *clientImpl) forceClose(quicConn quic.Connection, err error) {
defer t.connMutex.Unlock()
if quicConn == nil {
quicConn = t.quicConn
if quicConn != nil {
if quicConn == t.quicConn {
t.quicConn = nil
errStr := ""
if err != nil {
errStr = err.Error()
if quicConn != nil {
_ = quicConn.CloseWithError(ProtocolError, errStr)
udpInputMap := t.udpInputMap
udpInputMap.Range(func(key uint16, value net.Conn) bool {
conn := value
_ = conn.Close()
return true
func (t *clientImpl) Close() {
if t.openStreams.Load() == 0 {
t.forceClose(nil, common.ClientClosed)
func (t *clientImpl) DialContextWithDialer(ctx context.Context, metadata *C.Metadata, dialer C.Dialer, dialFn common.DialFunc) (net.Conn, error) {
quicConn, err := t.getQuicConn(ctx, dialer, dialFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
openStreams := t.openStreams.Add(1)
if openStreams >= t.MaxOpenStreams {
return nil, common.TooManyOpenStreams
stream, err := func() (stream net.Conn, err error) {
defer func() {
t.deferQuicConn(quicConn, err)
buf := pool.GetBuffer()
defer pool.PutBuffer(buf)
err = NewConnect(NewAddress(metadata)).WriteTo(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
quicStream, err := quicConn.OpenStream()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stream = common.NewQuicStreamConn(
func() {
time.AfterFunc(C.DefaultTCPTimeout, func() {
openStreams := t.openStreams.Add(-1)
if openStreams == 0 && t.closed.Load() {
t.forceClose(quicConn, common.ClientClosed)
_, err = buf.WriteTo(stream)
if err != nil {
_ = stream.Close()
return nil, err
return stream, err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return stream, nil
func (t *clientImpl) ListenPacketWithDialer(ctx context.Context, metadata *C.Metadata, dialer C.Dialer, dialFn common.DialFunc) (net.PacketConn, error) {
quicConn, err := t.getQuicConn(ctx, dialer, dialFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
openStreams := t.openStreams.Add(1)
if openStreams >= t.MaxOpenStreams {
return nil, common.TooManyOpenStreams
pipe1, pipe2 := N.Pipe()
var connId uint16
for {
connId = uint16(fastrand.Intn(0xFFFF))
_, loaded := t.udpInputMap.LoadOrStore(connId, pipe1)
if !loaded {
pc := &quicStreamPacketConn{
connId: connId,
quicConn: quicConn,
inputConn: N.NewBufferedConn(pipe2),
udpRelayMode: t.UdpRelayMode,
maxUdpRelayPacketSize: t.MaxUdpRelayPacketSize,
deferQuicConnFn: t.deferQuicConn,
closeDeferFn: func() {
time.AfterFunc(C.DefaultUDPTimeout, func() {
openStreams := t.openStreams.Add(-1)
if openStreams == 0 && t.closed.Load() {
t.forceClose(quicConn, common.ClientClosed)
return pc, nil
type Client struct {
*clientImpl // use an independent pointer to let Finalizer can work no matter somewhere handle an influence in clientImpl inner
func (t *Client) DialContextWithDialer(ctx context.Context, metadata *C.Metadata, dialer C.Dialer, dialFn common.DialFunc) (net.Conn, error) {
conn, err := t.clientImpl.DialContextWithDialer(ctx, metadata, dialer, dialFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return N.NewRefConn(conn, t), err
func (t *Client) ListenPacketWithDialer(ctx context.Context, metadata *C.Metadata, dialer C.Dialer, dialFn common.DialFunc) (net.PacketConn, error) {
pc, err := t.clientImpl.ListenPacketWithDialer(ctx, metadata, dialer, dialFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return N.NewRefPacketConn(pc, t), nil
func (t *Client) forceClose() {
t.clientImpl.forceClose(nil, common.ClientClosed)
func NewClient(clientOption *ClientOption, udp bool, dialerRef C.Dialer) *Client {
ci := &clientImpl{
ClientOption: clientOption,
udp: udp,
dialerRef: dialerRef,
udpInputMap: xsync.NewMapOf[uint16, net.Conn](),
c := &Client{ci}
runtime.SetFinalizer(c, closeClient)
log.Debugln("New TuicV5 Client at %p", c)
return c
func closeClient(client *Client) {
log.Debugln("Close TuicV5 Client at %p", client)