# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: getwxinfo.py # Description: # Author: xaoyaoo # Date: 2023/08/21 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import hmac import hashlib import ctypes import winreg import pymem from win32com.client import Dispatch import psutil ReadProcessMemory = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory void_p = ctypes.c_void_p import binascii import pymem.process from pymem import Pymem from win32api import GetFileVersionInfo, HIWORD, LOWORD """ class Wechat来源:https://github.com/SnowMeteors/GetWeChatKey """ class Wechat: def __init__(self, pm): module = pymem.process.module_from_name(pm.process_handle, "WeChatWin.dll") self.pm = pm self.dllBase = module.lpBaseOfDll self.sizeOfImage = module.SizeOfImage self.bits = self.GetPEBits() # 通过解析PE来获取位数 def GetPEBits(self): address = self.dllBase + self.pm.read_int(self.dllBase + 60) + 4 + 16 SizeOfOptionalHeader = self.pm.read_short(address) # 0XF0 64bit if SizeOfOptionalHeader == 0xF0: return 64 return 32 def GetInfo(self): version = self.GetVersion() if not version: print("Get WeChatWin.dll Failed") return print(f"WeChat Version:{version}") print(f"WeChat Bits: {self.bits}") keyBytes = b'-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...' # 从内存中查找 BEGIN PUBLIC KEY 的地址 publicKeyList = pymem.pattern.pattern_scan_all(self.pm.process_handle, keyBytes, return_multiple=True) if len(publicKeyList) == 0: print("Failed to find PUBLIC KEY") return keyAddr = self.GetKeyAddr(publicKeyList) if keyAddr is None: print("Failed to find key") return keyLenOffset = 0x8c if self.bits == 32 else 0xd0 for addr in keyAddr: try: keyLen = self.pm.read_uchar(addr - keyLenOffset) if self.bits == 32: key = self.pm.read_bytes(self.pm.read_int(addr - 0x90), keyLen) else: key = self.pm.read_bytes(self.pm.read_longlong(addr - 0xd8), keyLen) key = binascii.b2a_hex(key).decode() if self.CheckKey(key): print(f"key is {key}") return key except: pass print("Find the end of the key") @staticmethod def CheckKey(key): # 目前key位数是32位 if key is None or len(key) != 64: return False return True # 内存搜索特征码 @staticmethod def SearchMemory(parent, child): offset = [] index = -1 while True: index = parent.find(child, index + 1) if index == -1: break offset.append(index) return offset # 获取key的地址 def GetKeyAddr(self, publicKeyList): # 存放真正的key地址 keyAddr = [] # 读取整个 WeChatWin.dll 的内容 buffer = self.pm.read_bytes(self.dllBase, self.sizeOfImage) byteLen = 4 if self.bits == 32 else 8 for publicKeyAddr in publicKeyList: keyBytes = publicKeyAddr.to_bytes(byteLen, byteorder="little", signed=True) offset = self.SearchMemory(buffer, keyBytes) if not offset or len(offset) == 0: continue offset[:] = [x + self.dllBase for x in offset] keyAddr += offset if len(keyAddr) == 0: return None return keyAddr # 获取微信版本 def GetVersion(self): WeChatWindll_path = "" for m in list(self.pm.list_modules()): path = m.filename if path.endswith("WeChatWin.dll"): WeChatWindll_path = path break if not WeChatWindll_path: return False version = GetFileVersionInfo(WeChatWindll_path, "\\") msv = version['FileVersionMS'] lsv = version['FileVersionLS'] version = f"{str(HIWORD(msv))}.{str(LOWORD(msv))}.{str(HIWORD(lsv))}.{str(LOWORD(lsv))}" return version # 获取exe文件的位数 def get_exe_bit(file_path): """ 获取 PE 文件的位数: 32 位或 64 位 :param file_path: PE 文件路径(可执行文件) :return: 如果遇到错误则返回 64 """ try: with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: dos_header = f.read(2) if dos_header != b'MZ': print('get exe bit error: Invalid PE file') return 64 # Seek to the offset of the PE signature f.seek(60) pe_offset_bytes = f.read(4) pe_offset = int.from_bytes(pe_offset_bytes, byteorder='little') # Seek to the Machine field in the PE header f.seek(pe_offset + 4) machine_bytes = f.read(2) machine = int.from_bytes(machine_bytes, byteorder='little') if machine == 0x14c: return 32 elif machine == 0x8664: return 64 else: print('get exe bit error: Unknown architecture: %s' % hex(machine)) return 64 except IOError: print('get exe bit error: File not found or cannot be opened') return 64 # 读取内存中的字符串(非key部分) def get_info_without_key(h_process, address, n_size=64): array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n_size) if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), array, n_size, 0) == 0: return "None" array = bytes(array).split(b"\x00")[0] if b"\x00" in array else bytes(array) text = array.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') return text.strip() if text.strip() != "" else "None" def pattern_scan_all(handle, pattern, *, return_multiple=False, find_num=100): next_region = 0 found = [] user_space_limit = 0x7FFFFFFF0000 if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 else 0x7fff0000 while next_region < user_space_limit: try: next_region, page_found = pymem.pattern.scan_pattern_page( handle, next_region, pattern, return_multiple=return_multiple ) except Exception as e: print(e) break if not return_multiple and page_found: return page_found if page_found: found += page_found if len(found) > find_num: break return found def get_info_wxid(h_process): find_num = 100 addrs = pattern_scan_all(h_process, br'\\Msg\\FTSContact', return_multiple=True, find_num=find_num) wxids = [] for addr in addrs: array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(80) if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(addr - 30), array, 80, 0) == 0: return "None" array = bytes(array) # .split(b"\\")[0] array = array.split(b"\\Msg")[0] array = array.split(b"\\")[-1] wxids.append(array.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')) wxid = max(wxids, key=wxids.count) if wxids else "None" return wxid def get_info_filePath(wxid="all"): if not wxid: return "None" w_dir = "MyDocument:" is_w_dir = False try: key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Tencent\WeChat", 0, winreg.KEY_READ) value, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "FileSavePath") winreg.CloseKey(key) w_dir = value is_w_dir = True except Exception as e: w_dir = "MyDocument:" if not is_w_dir: try: user_profile = os.environ.get("USERPROFILE") path_3ebffe94 = os.path.join(user_profile, "AppData", "Roaming", "Tencent", "WeChat", "All Users", "config", "3ebffe94.ini") with open(path_3ebffe94, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: w_dir = f.read() is_w_dir = True except Exception as e: w_dir = "MyDocument:" if w_dir == "MyDocument:": try: # 打开注册表路径 key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders") documents_path = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Personal")[0] # 读取文档实际目录路径 winreg.CloseKey(key) # 关闭注册表 documents_paths = os.path.split(documents_path) if "%" in documents_paths[0]: w_dir = os.environ.get(documents_paths[0].replace("%", "")) w_dir = os.path.join(w_dir, os.path.join(*documents_paths[1:])) # print(1, w_dir) else: w_dir = documents_path except Exception as e: profile = os.environ.get("USERPROFILE") w_dir = os.path.join(profile, "Documents") msg_dir = os.path.join(w_dir, "WeChat Files") if wxid == "all" and os.path.exists(msg_dir): return msg_dir filePath = os.path.join(msg_dir, wxid) return filePath if os.path.exists(filePath) else "None" def get_key(db_path, addr_len): def read_key_bytes(h_process, address, address_len=8): array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(address_len) if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), array, address_len, 0) == 0: return "None" address = int.from_bytes(array, byteorder='little') # 逆序转换为int地址(key地址) key = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32) if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), key, 32, 0) == 0: return "None" key_bytes = bytes(key) return key_bytes def verify_key(key, wx_db_path): if wx_db_path == "None": return True KEY_SIZE = 32 DEFAULT_PAGESIZE = 4096 DEFAULT_ITER = 64000 with open(wx_db_path, "rb") as file: blist = file.read(5000) salt = blist[:16] byteKey = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", key, salt, DEFAULT_ITER, KEY_SIZE) first = blist[16:DEFAULT_PAGESIZE] mac_salt = bytes([(salt[i] ^ 58) for i in range(16)]) mac_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", byteKey, mac_salt, 2, KEY_SIZE) hash_mac = hmac.new(mac_key, first[:-32], hashlib.sha1) hash_mac.update(b'\x01\x00\x00\x00') if hash_mac.digest() != first[-32:-12]: return False return True phone_type1 = "iphone\x00" phone_type2 = "android\x00" phone_type3 = "ipad\x00" pm = pymem.Pymem("WeChat.exe") module_name = "WeChatWin.dll" MicroMsg_path = os.path.join(db_path, "MSG", "MicroMsg.db") type1_addrs = pm.pattern_scan_module(phone_type1.encode(), module_name, return_multiple=True) type2_addrs = pm.pattern_scan_module(phone_type2.encode(), module_name, return_multiple=True) type3_addrs = pm.pattern_scan_module(phone_type3.encode(), module_name, return_multiple=True) type_addrs = type1_addrs if len(type1_addrs) >= 2 else type2_addrs if len(type2_addrs) >= 2 else type3_addrs if len( type3_addrs) >= 2 else "None" # print(type_addrs) if type_addrs == "None": return "None" for i in type_addrs[::-1]: for j in range(i, i - 2000, -addr_len): key_bytes = read_key_bytes(pm.process_handle, j, addr_len) if key_bytes == "None": continue if db_path != "None" and verify_key(key_bytes, MicroMsg_path): return key_bytes.hex() return "None" # 读取微信信息(account,mobile,name,mail,wxid,key) def read_info(version_list, is_logging=False): wechat_process = [] result = [] error = "" for process in psutil.process_iter(['name', 'exe', 'pid']): if process.name() == 'WeChat.exe': wechat_process.append(process) if len(wechat_process) == 0: error = "[-] WeChat No Run" if is_logging: print(error) return -1 for process in wechat_process: tmp_rd = {} tmp_rd['pid'] = process.pid tmp_rd['version'] = Dispatch("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFileVersion(process.exe()) wechat_base_address = 0 for module in process.memory_maps(grouped=False): if module.path and 'WeChatWin.dll' in module.path: wechat_base_address = int(module.addr, 16) break if wechat_base_address == 0: error = f"[-] WeChat WeChatWin.dll Not Found" if is_logging: print(error) return -1 Handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF, False, process.pid) bias_list = version_list.get(tmp_rd['version'], None) if not isinstance(bias_list, list) or len(bias_list) <= 4: error = f"[-] WeChat Current Version Is Not Supported(maybe not get account,mobile,name,mail)" if is_logging: print(error) tmp_rd['account'] = "None" tmp_rd['mobile'] = "None" tmp_rd['name'] = "None" tmp_rd['mail'] = "None" return tmp_rd['version'] else: name_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[0] account__baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[1] mobile_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[2] mail_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[3] # key_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[4] tmp_rd['account'] = get_info_without_key(Handle, account__baseaddr, 32) if bias_list[1] != 0 else "None" tmp_rd['mobile'] = get_info_without_key(Handle, mobile_baseaddr, 64) if bias_list[2] != 0 else "None" tmp_rd['name'] = get_info_without_key(Handle, name_baseaddr, 64) if bias_list[0] != 0 else "None" tmp_rd['mail'] = get_info_without_key(Handle, mail_baseaddr, 64) if bias_list[3] != 0 else "None" addrLen = get_exe_bit(process.exe()) // 8 tmp_rd['wxid'] = get_info_wxid(Handle) tmp_rd['filePath'] = get_info_filePath(tmp_rd['wxid']) if tmp_rd['wxid'] != "None" else "None" tmp_rd['key'] = "None" tmp_rd['key'] = get_key(tmp_rd['filePath'], addrLen) if tmp_rd['key']=='None': wechat = Pymem("WeChat.exe") key = Wechat(wechat).GetInfo() if key: tmp_rd['key'] = key result.append(tmp_rd) if is_logging: print("=" * 32) if isinstance(result, str): # 输出报错 print(result) else: # 输出结果 for i, rlt in enumerate(result): for k, v in rlt.items(): print(f"[+] {k:>8}: {v}") print(end="-" * 32 + "\n" if i != len(result) - 1 else "") print("=" * 32) return result import os import sys def resource_path(relative_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ base_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path) def get_info(VERSION_LIST): result = read_info(VERSION_LIST, True) # 读取微信信息 return result if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--vlfile", type=str, help="手机号", required=False) parser.add_argument("--vldict", type=str, help="微信昵称", required=False) args = parser.parse_args() # 读取微信各版本偏移 if args.vlfile: VERSION_LIST_PATH = args.vlfile with open(VERSION_LIST_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: VERSION_LIST = json.load(f) if args.vldict: VERSION_LIST = json.loads(args.vldict) if not args.vlfile and not args.vldict: VERSION_LIST_PATH = "../version_list.json" with open(VERSION_LIST_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: VERSION_LIST = json.load(f) result = read_info(VERSION_LIST, True) # 读取微信信息