# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: getwxinfo.py # Description: # Author: xaoyaoo # Date: 2023/08/21 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import argparse import ctypes import json import psutil from win32com.client import Dispatch ReadProcessMemory = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory void_p = ctypes.c_void_p # 读取内存中的字符串(非key部分) def get_info_without_key(h_process, address, n_size=64): array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n_size) if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), array, n_size, 0) == 0: return "None" array = bytes(array).split(b"\x00")[0] if b"\x00" in array else bytes(array) text = array.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') return text.strip() if text.strip() != "" else "None" def get_info_wxid(h_process, address, n_size=32, address_len=8): array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(address_len) if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), array, address_len, 0) == 0: return "None" address = int.from_bytes(array, byteorder='little') # 逆序转换为int地址(key地址) wxid = get_info_without_key(h_process, address, n_size) if not wxid.startswith("wxid_"): wxid = "None" return wxid # 读取内存中的key def get_key(h_process, address, address_len=8): array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(address_len) if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), array, address_len, 0) == 0: return "None" address = int.from_bytes(array, byteorder='little') # 逆序转换为int地址(key地址) key = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32) if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), key, 32, 0) == 0: return "None" key_string = bytes(key).hex() return key_string # 读取微信信息(account,mobile,name,mail,wxid,key) def read_info(version_list): wechat_process = [] result = [] for process in psutil.process_iter(['name', 'exe', 'pid', 'cmdline']): if process.name() == 'WeChat.exe': wechat_process.append(process) if len(wechat_process) == 0: return "[-] WeChat No Run" for process in wechat_process: tmp_rd = {} tmp_rd['pid'] = process.pid tmp_rd['version'] = Dispatch("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFileVersion(process.exe()) bias_list = version_list.get(tmp_rd['version'], None) if not isinstance(bias_list, list): return f"[-] WeChat Current Version {tmp_rd['version']} Is Not Supported" wechat_base_address = 0 for module in process.memory_maps(grouped=False): if module.path and 'WeChatWin.dll' in module.path: wechat_base_address = int(module.addr, 16) break if wechat_base_address == 0: return f"[-] WeChat WeChatWin.dll Not Found" Handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF, False, process.pid) name_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[0] account__baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[1] mobile_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[2] mail_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[3] key_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[4] wxid_baseaddr = wechat_base_address + bias_list[5] addrLen = 4 if tmp_rd['version'] in ["", ""] else 8 tmp_rd['account'] = get_info_without_key(Handle, account__baseaddr, 32) if bias_list[1] != 0 else "None" tmp_rd['mobile'] = get_info_without_key(Handle, mobile_baseaddr, 64) if bias_list[2] != 0 else "None" tmp_rd['name'] = get_info_without_key(Handle, name_baseaddr, 64) if bias_list[0] != 0 else "None" tmp_rd['mail'] = get_info_without_key(Handle, mail_baseaddr, 64) if bias_list[3] != 0 else "None" tmp_rd['wxid'] = get_info_wxid(Handle, wxid_baseaddr, 24, addrLen) if bias_list[5] != 0 else "None" tmp_rd['key'] = get_key(Handle, key_baseaddr, addrLen) if bias_list[4] != 0 else "None" result.append(tmp_rd) return result def get_info(): VERSION_LIST_PATH = "app/decrypt/version_list.json" with open(VERSION_LIST_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: VERSION_LIST = json.load(f) result = read_info(VERSION_LIST) # 读取微信信息 return result if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--vlfile", type=str, help="手机号", required=False) parser.add_argument("--vldict", type=str, help="微信昵称", required=False) args = parser.parse_args() # 读取微信各版本偏移 if args.vlfile: VERSION_LIST_PATH = args.vlfile with open(VERSION_LIST_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: VERSION_LIST = json.load(f) if args.vldict: VERSION_LIST = json.loads(args.vldict) if not args.vlfile and not args.vldict: VERSION_LIST_PATH = "./version_list.json" with open(VERSION_LIST_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: VERSION_LIST = json.load(f) result = read_info(VERSION_LIST) # 读取微信信息 print("=" * 32) if isinstance(result, str): # 输出报错 print(result) else: # 输出结果 for i, rlt in enumerate(result): for k, v in rlt.items(): print(f"[+] {k:>7}: {v}") print(end="-" * 32 + "\n" if i != len(result) - 1 else "") print("=" * 32)