import os.path import random import sqlite3 import threading import traceback from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, date from typing import Tuple from app.log import logger from app.util.compress_content import parser_reply from app.util.protocbuf.msg_pb2 import MessageBytesExtra db_path = "./app/Database/Msg/MSG.db" lock = threading.Lock() def is_database_exist(): return os.path.exists(db_path) def convert_to_timestamp_(time_input) -> int: if isinstance(time_input, (int, float)): # 如果输入是时间戳,直接返回 return int(time_input) elif isinstance(time_input, str): # 如果输入是格式化的时间字符串,将其转换为时间戳 try: dt_object = datetime.strptime(time_input, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return int(dt_object.timestamp()) except ValueError: # 如果转换失败,可能是其他格式的字符串,可以根据需要添加更多的处理逻辑 print("Error: Unsupported date format") return -1 elif isinstance(time_input, date): # 如果输入是datetime.date对象,将其转换为时间戳 dt_object = datetime.combine(time_input, datetime.min.time()) return int(dt_object.timestamp()) else: print("Error: Unsupported input type") return -1 def convert_to_timestamp(time_range) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ 将时间转换成时间戳 @param time_range: @return: """ if not time_range: return 0, 0 else: return convert_to_timestamp_(time_range[0]), convert_to_timestamp_(time_range[1]) def parser_chatroom_message(messages): from app.DataBase import micro_msg_db, misc_db from app.util.protocbuf.msg_pb2 import MessageBytesExtra from app.person import Contact, Me, ContactDefault ''' 获取一个群聊的聊天记录 return list a[0]: localId, a[1]: talkerId, (和strtalker对应的,不是群聊信息发送人) a[2]: type, a[3]: subType, a[4]: is_sender, a[5]: timestamp, a[6]: status, (没啥用) a[7]: str_content, a[8]: str_time, (格式化的时间) a[9]: msgSvrId, a[10]: BytesExtra, a[11]: CompressContent, a[12]: DisplayContent, a[13]: msg_sender, (ContactPC 或 ContactDefault 类型,这个才是群聊里的信息发送人,不是群聊或者自己是发送者没有这个字段) ''' updated_messages = [] # 用于存储修改后的消息列表 for row in messages: message = list(row) if message[4] == 1: # 自己发送的就没必要解析了 message.append(Me()) updated_messages.append(tuple(message)) continue if message[10] is None: # BytesExtra是空的跳过 message.append(ContactDefault(wxid)) updated_messages.append(tuple(message)) continue msgbytes = MessageBytesExtra() msgbytes.ParseFromString(message[10]) wxid = '' for tmp in msgbytes.message2: if tmp.field1 != 1: continue wxid = tmp.field2 if wxid == "": # 系统消息里面 wxid 不存在 message.append(ContactDefault(wxid)) updated_messages.append(tuple(message)) continue # todo 解析还是有问题,会出现这种带:的东西 if ':' in wxid: # wxid_ewi8gfgpp0eu22:25319:1 wxid = wxid.split(':')[0] contact_info_list = micro_msg_db.get_contact_by_username(wxid) if contact_info_list is None: # 群聊中已退群的联系人不会保存在数据库里 message.append(ContactDefault(wxid)) updated_messages.append(tuple(message)) continue contact_info = { 'UserName': contact_info_list[0], 'Alias': contact_info_list[1], 'Type': contact_info_list[2], 'Remark': contact_info_list[3], 'NickName': contact_info_list[4], 'smallHeadImgUrl': contact_info_list[7] } contact = Contact(contact_info) contact.smallHeadImgBLOG = misc_db.get_avatar_buffer(contact.wxid) contact.set_avatar(contact.smallHeadImgBLOG) message.append(contact) updated_messages.append(tuple(message)) return updated_messages def singleton(cls): _instance = {} def inner(): if cls not in _instance: _instance[cls] = cls() return _instance[cls] return inner class MsgType: TEXT = 1 IMAGE = 3 EMOJI = 47 class Msg: def __init__(self): self.DB = None self.cursor = None self.open_flag = False self.init_database() def init_database(self, path=None): global db_path if not self.open_flag: if path: db_path = path if os.path.exists(db_path): self.DB = sqlite3.connect(db_path, check_same_thread=False) # '''创建游标''' self.cursor = self.DB.cursor() self.open_flag = True if lock.locked(): lock.release() def add_sender(self, messages): """ @param messages: @return: """ new_messages = [] for message in messages: is_sender = message[4] wxid = '' if is_sender: pass else: msgbytes = MessageBytesExtra() msgbytes.ParseFromString(message[10]) for tmp in msgbytes.message2: if tmp.field1 != 1: continue wxid = tmp.field2 new_message = (*message, wxid) new_messages.append(new_message) return new_messages def get_messages( self, username_, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ): """ return list a[0]: localId, a[1]: talkerId, (和strtalker对应的,不是群聊信息发送人) a[2]: type, a[3]: subType, a[4]: is_sender, a[5]: timestamp, a[6]: status, (没啥用) a[7]: str_content, a[8]: str_time, (格式化的时间) a[9]: msgSvrId, a[10]: BytesExtra, a[11]: CompressContent, a[12]: DisplayContent, a[13]: 联系人的类(如果是群聊就有,不是的话没有这个字段) """ if not self.open_flag: return None if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f''' select localId,TalkerId,Type,SubType,IsSender,CreateTime,Status,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime,MsgSvrID,BytesExtra,CompressContent,DisplayContent from MSG where StrTalker=? {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} order by CreateTime ''' try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_]) result = self.cursor.fetchall() finally: lock.release() return parser_chatroom_message(result) if username_.__contains__('@chatroom') else result # result.sort(key=lambda x: x[5]) # return self.add_sender(result) def get_messages_all(self, time_range=None): if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f''' select localId,TalkerId,Type,SubType,IsSender,CreateTime,Status,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime,MsgSvrID,BytesExtra,StrTalker,Reserved1,CompressContent from MSG {'WHERE CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} order by CreateTime ''' if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchall() finally: lock.release() result.sort(key=lambda x: x[5]) return result def get_messages_group_by_day( self, username_: str, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ) -> dict: """ return dict { date: messages } """ if not self.open_flag: return {} if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f''' select localId,TalkerId,Type,SubType,IsSender,CreateTime,Status,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime,MsgSvrID,BytesExtra,CompressContent,DisplayContent from MSG where StrTalker=? AND type=1 {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} order by CreateTime; ''' try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_]) result = self.cursor.fetchall() finally: lock.release() result = parser_chatroom_message(result) if username_.__contains__('@chatroom') else result # 按天分组存储聊天记录 grouped_results = defaultdict(list) for row in result: '2024-01-01' date = row[8][:10] # 获取日期部分 grouped_results[date].append(row) # 将消息加入对应的日期列表中 return grouped_results def get_messages_length(self): sql = ''' select count(*) group by MsgSvrID from MSG ''' if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchone() except Exception as e: result = None finally: lock.release() return result[0] def get_message_by_num(self, username_, local_id): sql = ''' select localId,TalkerId,Type,SubType,IsSender,CreateTime,Status,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime,MsgSvrID,BytesExtra,CompressContent,DisplayContent from MSG where StrTalker = ? and localId < ? and (Type=1 or Type=3) order by CreateTime desc limit 20 ''' result = None if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_, local_id]) result = self.cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() # result.sort(key=lambda x: x[5]) return parser_chatroom_message(result) if username_.__contains__('@chatroom') else result def get_messages_by_type( self, username_, type_, year_='all', time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ): """ @param username_: @param type_: @param year_: @param time_range: Tuple(timestamp:开始时间戳,timestamp:结束时间戳) @return: """ if not self.open_flag: return None if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) if year_ == 'all': sql = f''' select localId,TalkerId,Type,SubType,IsSender,CreateTime,Status,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime,MsgSvrID,BytesExtra,CompressContent,DisplayContent from MSG where StrTalker=? and Type=? {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} order by CreateTime ''' try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_, type_]) result = self.cursor.fetchall() finally: lock.release() else: sql = ''' select localId,TalkerId,Type,SubType,IsSender,CreateTime,Status,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime,MsgSvrID,BytesExtra,CompressContent,DisplayContent from MSG where StrTalker=? and Type=? and strftime('%Y', CreateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') = ? order by CreateTime ''' try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_, type_, year_]) finally: lock.release() result = self.cursor.fetchall() return result def get_messages_by_keyword(self, username_, keyword, num=5, max_len=10, time_range=None, year_='all'): if not self.open_flag: return None if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f''' select localId,TalkerId,Type,SubType,IsSender,CreateTime,Status,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime,MsgSvrID,BytesExtra from MSG where StrTalker=? and Type=1 and LENGTH(StrContent)' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} order by CreateTime desc ''' temp = [] try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_, max_len, f'%{keyword}%'] if year_ == "all" else [username_, max_len, f'%{keyword}%', year_]) messages = self.cursor.fetchall() finally: lock.release() if len(messages) > 5: messages = random.sample(messages, num) try: lock.acquire(True) for msg in messages: local_id = msg[0] is_send = msg[4] sql = ''' select localId,TalkerId,Type,SubType,IsSender,CreateTime,Status,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime,MsgSvrID from MSG where localId > ? and StrTalker=? and Type=1 and IsSender=? limit 1 ''' self.cursor.execute(sql, [local_id, username_, 1 - is_send]) temp.append((msg, self.cursor.fetchone())) finally: lock.release() res = [] for dialog in temp: msg1 = dialog[0] msg2 = dialog[1] try: res.append(( (msg1[4], msg1[5], msg1[7].split(keyword), msg1[8]), (msg2[4], msg2[5], msg2[7], msg2[8]) )) except TypeError: res.append(( ('', '', ['', ''], ''), ('', '', '', '') )) """ 返回值为一个列表,每个列表元素是一个对话 每个对话是一个元组数据 ('is_send','时间戳','以关键词为分割符的消息内容','格式化时间') """ return res def get_contact(self, contacts): if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) sql = '''select StrTalker, MAX(CreateTime) from MSG group by StrTalker''' self.cursor.execute(sql) res = self.cursor.fetchall() finally: lock.release() res = {StrTalker: CreateTime for StrTalker, CreateTime in res} contacts = [list(cur_contact) for cur_contact in contacts] for i, cur_contact in enumerate(contacts): if cur_contact[0] in res: contacts[i].append(res[cur_contact[0]]) else: contacts[i].append(0) contacts.sort(key=lambda cur_contact: cur_contact[-1], reverse=True) return contacts def get_messages_calendar(self, username_): sql = ''' SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as days from ( SELECT MsgSvrID, CreateTime FROM MSG WHERE StrTalker = ? ORDER BY CreateTime ) group by days ''' if not self.open_flag: print('数据库未就绪') return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_]) result = self.cursor.fetchall() finally: lock.release() return [date[0] for date in result] def get_messages_by_days( self, username_, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ): result = None if not self.open_flag: return None if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f''' SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as days,count(MsgSvrID) from ( SELECT MsgSvrID, CreateTime FROM MSG WHERE StrTalker = ? {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} ) group by days ''' result = None if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_]) result = self.cursor.fetchall() finally: lock.release() return result def get_messages_by_month( self, username_, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ): result = None if not self.open_flag: return None if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f''' SELECT strftime('%Y-%m',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as days,count(MsgSvrID) from ( SELECT MsgSvrID, CreateTime FROM MSG WHERE StrTalker = ? {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} ) group by days ''' try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_]) result = self.cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() return result def get_messages_by_hour(self, username_, time_range=None, year_='all'): result = [] if not self.open_flag: return result if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f''' SELECT strftime('%H:00',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as hours,count(MsgSvrID) from ( SELECT MsgSvrID, CreateTime FROM MSG where StrTalker = ? {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} ) group by hours ''' try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_]) except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() result = self.cursor.fetchall() return result def get_first_time_of_message(self, username_=''): if not self.open_flag: return None sql = f''' select StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime from MSG {'where StrTalker=?' if username_ else ''} order by CreateTime limit 1 ''' try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_] if username_ else []) result = self.cursor.fetchone() finally: lock.release() return result def get_latest_time_of_message(self, username_='', time_range=None, year_='all'): if not self.open_flag: return None if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f''' SELECT isSender,StrContent,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as StrTime, strftime('%H:%M:%S', CreateTime,'unixepoch','localtime') as hour FROM MSG WHERE Type=1 AND {'StrTalker = ? AND ' if username_ else f"'{username_}'=? AND "} hour BETWEEN '00:00:00' AND '05:00:00' {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} ORDER BY hour DESC LIMIT 20; ''' try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_, year_] if year_ != "all" else [username_]) except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() result = self.cursor.fetchall() if not result: return [] res = [] is_sender = result[0][0] res.append(result[0]) for msg in result[1:]: if msg[0] != is_sender: res.append(msg) break return res def get_send_messages_type_number( self, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ) -> list: """ 统计自己发的各类型消息条数,按条数降序,精确到subtype\n return [(type_1, subtype_1, number_1), (type_2, subtype_2, number_2), ...]\n be like [(1, 0, 71481), (3, 0, 6686), (49, 57, 3887), ..., (10002, 0, 1)] """ if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f""" SELECT type, subtype, Count(MsgSvrID) from MSG where isSender = 1 {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} group by type, subtype order by Count(MsgSvrID) desc """ result = None if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() return result def get_messages_number( self, username_, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ) -> int: """ 统计好友聊天消息的数量 @param username_: @param time_range: @return: """ if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f""" SELECT Count(MsgSvrID) from MSG where StrTalker = ? {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} """ result = 0 if not self.open_flag: return 0 try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql, [username_]) result = self.cursor.fetchone() except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() return result[0] if result else 0 def get_chatted_top_contacts( self, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, contain_chatroom=False, top_n=10 ) -> list: """ 统计聊天最多的 n 个联系人(默认不包含群组),按条数降序\n return [(wxid_1, number_1), (wxid_2, number_2), ...] """ if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f""" SELECT strtalker, Count(MsgSvrID) from MSG where strtalker != "filehelper" and strtalker != "notifymessage" and strtalker not like "gh_%" {"and strtalker not like '%@chatroom'" if not contain_chatroom else ""} {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} group by strtalker order by Count(MsgSvrID) desc limit {top_n} """ result = None if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() return result def get_send_messages_length( self, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ) -> int: """ 统计自己总共发消息的字数,包含type=1的文本和type=49,subtype=57里面自己发的文本 """ if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql_type_1 = f""" SELECT sum(length(strContent)) from MSG where isSender = 1 and type = 1 {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} """ sql_type_49 = f""" SELECT CompressContent from MSG where isSender = 1 and type = 49 and subtype = 57 {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} """ sum_type_1 = None result_type_49 = None sum_type_49 = 0 if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql_type_1) sum_type_1 = self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0] self.cursor.execute(sql_type_49) result_type_49 = self.cursor.fetchall() for message in result_type_49: message = message[0] content = parser_reply(message) if content["is_error"]: continue sum_type_49 += len(content["title"]) except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() return sum_type_1 + sum_type_49 def get_send_messages_number_sum( self, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ) -> int: """统计自己总共发了多少条消息""" if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f""" SELECT count(MsgSvrID) from MSG where isSender = 1 {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} """ result = None if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0] except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() return result def get_send_messages_number_by_hour( self, time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ) -> list: """ 统计每个(小时)时段自己总共发了多少消息,从最多到最少排序\n return be like [('23', 9526), ('00', 7890), ('22', 7600), ..., ('05', 29)] """ if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql = f""" SELECT strftime('%H', CreateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as hour,count(MsgSvrID) from ( SELECT MsgSvrID, CreateTime FROM MSG where isSender = 1 {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} ) group by hour order by count(MsgSvrID) desc """ result = None if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() return result def get_message_length( self, username_='', time_range: Tuple[int | float | str | date, int | float | str | date] = None, ) -> int: """ 统计自己总共发消息的字数,包含type=1的文本和type=49,subtype=57里面自己发的文本 """ if time_range: start_time, end_time = convert_to_timestamp(time_range) sql_type_1 = f""" SELECT sum(length(strContent)) from MSG where StrTalker = ? and type = 1 {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} """ sql_type_49 = f""" SELECT CompressContent from MSG where StrTalker = ? and type = 49 and subtype = 57 {'AND CreateTime>' + str(start_time) + ' AND CreateTime<' + str(end_time) if time_range else ''} """ sum_type_1 = 0 result_type_1 = 0 result_type_49 = 0 sum_type_49 = 0 if not self.open_flag: return None try: lock.acquire(True) self.cursor.execute(sql_type_1, [username_]) result_type_1 = self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0] self.cursor.execute(sql_type_49, [username_]) result_type_49 = self.cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.DatabaseError: logger.error(f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n数据库损坏请删除msg文件夹重试') finally: lock.release() for message in result_type_49: message = message[0] content = parser_reply(message) if content["is_error"]: continue sum_type_49 += len(content["title"]) sum_type_1 = result_type_1 if result_type_1 else 0 return sum_type_1 + sum_type_49 def close(self): if self.open_flag: try: lock.acquire(True) self.open_flag = False self.DB.close() finally: lock.release() def __del__(self): self.close() if __name__ == '__main__': db_path = "./Msg/MSG.db" msg = Msg() msg.init_database() wxid = 'wxid_0o18ef858vnu22' wxid = '24521163022@chatroom' wxid = 'wxid_vtz9jk9ulzjt22' # si print() time_range = ('2023-01-01 00:00:00', '2024-01-01 00:00:00') print(msg.get_messages_calendar(wxid)) print(msg.get_first_time_of_message()) print(msg.get_latest_time_of_message()) top_n = msg.get_chatted_top_contacts(time_range=time_range, top_n=9999999) print(top_n) print(len(top_n))