2024-09-23 22:08:00 +08:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: getwxinfo.py
# Description:
# Author: xaoyaoo
# Date: 2023/08/21
# License: https://github.com/xaoyaoo/PyWxDump/blob/3b794bcb47b0457d1245ce5b4cfec61b74524073/LICENSE MIT
# 微信数据库采用的加密算法是256位的AES-CBC。数据库的默认的页大小是4096字节即4KB其中每一个页都是被单独加解密的。
# 加密文件的每一个页都有一个随机的初始化向量,它被保存在每一页的末尾。
# 加密文件的每一页都存有着消息认证码算法使用的是HMAC-SHA1安卓数据库使用的是SHA512。它也被保存在每一页的末尾。
# 每一个数据库文件的开头16字节都保存了一段唯一且随机的盐值作为HMAC的验证和数据的解密。
# 用来计算HMAC的key与解密的key是不同的解密用的密钥是主密钥和之前提到的16字节的盐值通过PKCS5_PBKF2_HMAC1密钥扩展算法迭代64000次计算得到的。而计算HMAC的密钥是刚提到的解密密钥和16字节盐值异或0x3a的值通过PKCS5_PBKF2_HMAC1密钥扩展算法迭代2次计算得到的。
# 为了保证数据部分长度是16字节即AES块大小的整倍数每一页的末尾将填充一段空字节使得保留字段的长度为48字节。
# 综上加密文件结构为第一页4KB数据前16字节为盐值紧接着4032字节数据再加上16字节IV和20字节HMAC以及12字节空字节而后的页均是4048字节长度的加密数据段和48字节的保留段。
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import argparse
import hmac
import hashlib
import os
from typing import Union, List
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
# from Crypto.Cipher import AES # 如果上面的导入失败,可以尝试使用这个
SQLITE_FILE_HEADER = "SQLite format 3\x00" # SQLite文件头
# 通过密钥解密数据库
def decrypt(key: str, db_path, out_path):
:param key: 密钥 64位16进制字符串
:param db_path: 待解密的数据库路径(必须是文件)
:param out_path: 解密后的数据库输出路径(必须是文件)
if not os.path.exists(db_path) or not os.path.isfile(db_path):
return False, f"[-] db_path:'{db_path}' File not found!"
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_path)):
return False, f"[-] out_path:'{out_path}' File not found!"
if len(key) != 64:
return False, f"[-] key:'{key}' Len Error!"
password = bytes.fromhex(key.strip())
with open(db_path, "rb") as file:
blist = file.read()
salt = blist[:16]
byteKey = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", password, salt, DEFAULT_ITER, KEY_SIZE)
first = blist[16:DEFAULT_PAGESIZE]
if len(salt) != 16:
return False, f"[-] db_path:'{db_path}' File Error!"
mac_salt = bytes([(salt[i] ^ 58) for i in range(16)])
mac_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", byteKey, mac_salt, 2, KEY_SIZE)
hash_mac = hmac.new(mac_key, first[:-32], hashlib.sha1)
if hash_mac.digest() != first[-32:-12]:
return False, f"[-] Key Error! (key:'{key}'; db_path:'{db_path}'; out_path:'{out_path}' )"
newblist = [blist[i:i + DEFAULT_PAGESIZE] for i in range(DEFAULT_PAGESIZE, len(blist), DEFAULT_PAGESIZE)]
with open(out_path, "wb") as deFile:
t = AES.new(byteKey, AES.MODE_CBC, first[-48:-32])
decrypted = t.decrypt(first[:-48])
for i in newblist:
t = AES.new(byteKey, AES.MODE_CBC, i[-48:-32])
decrypted = t.decrypt(i[:-48])
return True, [db_path, out_path, key]
def batch_decrypt(key: str, db_path: Union[str, List[str]], out_path: str, is_logging: bool = False):
if not isinstance(key, str) or not isinstance(out_path, str) or not os.path.exists(out_path) or len(key) != 64:
error = f"[-] (key:'{key}' or out_path:'{out_path}') Error!"
if is_logging: print(error)
return False, error
process_list = []
if isinstance(db_path, str):
if not os.path.exists(db_path):
error = f"[-] db_path:'{db_path}' not found!"
if is_logging: print(error)
return False, error
if os.path.isfile(db_path):
inpath = db_path
outpath = os.path.join(out_path, 'de_' + os.path.basename(db_path))
process_list.append([key, inpath, outpath])
elif os.path.isdir(db_path):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(db_path):
for file in files:
inpath = os.path.join(root, file)
rel = os.path.relpath(root, db_path)
outpath = os.path.join(out_path, rel, 'de_' + file)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(outpath)):
process_list.append([key, inpath, outpath])
error = f"[-] db_path:'{db_path}' Error "
if is_logging: print(error)
return False, error
elif isinstance(db_path, list):
rt_path = os.path.commonprefix(db_path)
if not os.path.exists(rt_path):
rt_path = os.path.dirname(rt_path)
for inpath in db_path:
if not os.path.exists(inpath):
erreor = f"[-] db_path:'{db_path}' not found!"
if is_logging: print(erreor)
return False, erreor
inpath = os.path.normpath(inpath)
rel = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(inpath), rt_path)
outpath = os.path.join(out_path, rel, 'de_' + os.path.basename(inpath))
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(outpath)):
process_list.append([key, inpath, outpath])
error = f"[-] db_path:'{db_path}' Error "
if is_logging: print(error)
return False, error
result = []
for i in process_list:
result.append(decrypt(*i)) # 解密
# 删除空文件夹
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(out_path, topdown=False):
for dir in dirs:
if not os.listdir(os.path.join(root, dir)):
os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, dir))
if is_logging:
print("=" * 32)
success_count = 0
fail_count = 0
for code, ret in result:
if code == False:
fail_count += 1
print(f'[+] "{ret[0]}" -> "{ret[1]}"')
success_count += 1
print("-" * 32)
print(f"[+] 共 {len(result)} 个文件, 成功 {success_count} 个, 失败 {fail_count}")
print("=" * 32)
return True, result
def encrypt(key: str, db_path, out_path):
:param key: 密钥 64位16进制字符串
:param db_path: 待加密的数据库路径(必须是文件)
:param out_path: 加密后的数据库输出路径(必须是文件)
if not os.path.exists(db_path) or not os.path.isfile(db_path):
return False, f"[-] db_path:'{db_path}' File not found!"
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_path)):
return False, f"[-] out_path:'{out_path}' File not found!"
if len(key) != 64:
return False, f"[-] key:'{key}' Len Error!"
password = bytes.fromhex(key.strip())
with open(db_path, "rb") as file:
blist = file.read()
salt = os.urandom(16) # 生成随机盐值
byteKey = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", password, salt, DEFAULT_ITER, KEY_SIZE)
# 计算消息认证码
mac_salt = bytes([(salt[i] ^ 58) for i in range(16)])
mac_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", byteKey, mac_salt, 2, KEY_SIZE)
hash_mac = hmac.new(mac_key, blist[:-32], hashlib.sha1)
mac_digest = hash_mac.digest()
newblist = [blist[i:i + DEFAULT_PAGESIZE] for i in range(DEFAULT_PAGESIZE, len(blist), DEFAULT_PAGESIZE)]
with open(out_path, "wb") as enFile:
enFile.write(salt) # 写入盐值
enFile.write(mac_digest) # 写入消息认证码
for i in newblist:
t = AES.new(byteKey, AES.MODE_CBC, os.urandom(16)) # 生成随机的初始向量
encrypted = t.encrypt(i) # 加密数据块
return True, [db_path, out_path, key]