2023-01-31 20:41:49 +08:00

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import os
import re
import time
import docx
import xmltodict
from docx import shared
from docx.enum.table import WD_ALIGN_VERTICAL
from docx.enum.text import WD_COLOR_INDEX, WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT
from docxcompose.composer import Composer
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from . import data
def IS_5_min(last_m, now_m):
#! 判断两次聊天时间是不是大于五分钟
#! 若大于五分钟则显示时间
#! 否则不显示
dt = now_m - last_m
return abs(dt // 1000) >= 300
def time_format(timestamp):
#! 将字符串类型的时间戳转换成日期
#! 返回格式化的时间字符串
#! %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
timestamp = timestamp / 1000
time_tuple = time.localtime(timestamp)
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time_tuple)
def merge_docx(conRemark, n):
origin_docx_path = f"{path}/{conRemark}"
all_word = os.listdir(origin_docx_path)
all_file_path = []
for i in range(n):
file_name = f"{conRemark}{i}.docx"
all_file_path.append(origin_docx_path + '/' + file_name)
filename = f"{conRemark}.docx"
# print(all_file_path)
doc = docx.Document()
doc.save(origin_docx_path + '/' + filename)
master = docx.Document(origin_docx_path + '/' + filename)
middle_new_docx = Composer(master)
num = 0
for word in all_file_path:
word_document = docx.Document(word)
if num != 0:
num = num + 1
middle_new_docx.save(origin_docx_path + '/' + filename)
class Output(QThread):
progressSignal = pyqtSignal(int)
successSignal = pyqtSignal(int)
def __init__(self, Me, ta_u, parent=None):
self.Me = Me
self.sec = 2 # 默认1000秒
self.ta_username = ta_u
self.my_avatar = self.Me.my_avatar
self.ta_avatar = data.get_avator(ta_u)
self.msg_id = 0
def create_table(self, doc, isSend):
#! 创建一个1*2表格
#! isSend = 1 (0,0)存聊天内容,(0,1)存头像
#! isSend = 0 (0,0)存头像,(0,1)存聊天内容
#! 返回聊天内容的坐标
table = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=2, style='Normal Table')
table.cell(0, 1).height = shared.Inches(0.5)
table.cell(0, 0).height = shared.Inches(0.5)
text_size = 1
if isSend:
avatar = table.cell(0, 1).paragraphs[0].add_run()
avatar.add_picture(self.my_avatar, width=shared.Inches(0.5))
table.cell(0, 1).width = shared.Inches(0.5)
content_cell = table.cell(0, 0)
content_cell.paragraphs[0].paragraph_format.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.RIGHT
avatar = table.cell(0, 0).paragraphs[0].add_run()
avatar.add_picture(self.ta_avatar, width=shared.Inches(0.5))
table.cell(0, 0).width = shared.Inches(0.5)
content_cell = table.cell(0, 1)
content_cell.vertical_alignment = WD_ALIGN_VERTICAL.CENTER
return content_cell
def text(self, doc, isSend, message, status):
if status == 5:
message += '(未发出) '
content_cell = self.create_table(doc, isSend)
content_cell.paragraphs[0].font_size = shared.Inches(0.5)
# self.self_text.emit(message)
if isSend:
p = content_cell.paragraphs[0]
p.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.RIGHT
def image(self, doc, isSend, Type, content, imgPath):
#! 插入聊天图片
#! isSend = 1 只有缩略图
#! isSend = 0 有原图
:param doc:
:param isSend:
:param Type:
:param content:
:param imgPath:
content = self.create_table(doc, isSend)
run = content.paragraphs[0].add_run()
if Type == 3:
imgPath = imgPath.split('th_')[1]
imgPath = f'./app/data/image2/{imgPath[0:2]}/{imgPath[2:4]}/th_{imgPath}'
imgPath = data.clearImagePath(imgPath)
run.add_picture(f'{imgPath}', height=shared.Inches(2))
except Exception:
# run.add_picture(f'{Path}/{imgPath}', height=shared.Inches(2))
def emoji(self, doc, isSend, content, imgPath):
#! 添加表情包
:param isSend:
:param content:
:param imgPath:
imgPath = data.get_emoji(imgPath)
if 1:
is_Exist = os.path.exists(imgPath)
self.image(doc, isSend, Type=47, content=content, imgPath=imgPath)
def wx_file(self, doc, isSend, content, status):
#! 添加微信文件
:param isSend:
:param content:
:param status:
pattern = re.compile(r"<title>(.*?)<")
r = pattern.search(content).group()
filename = r.lstrip('<title>').rstrip('<')
self.text(doc, isSend, filename, status)
def retract_message(self, doc, isSend, content, status):
#! 显示撤回消息
:param isSend:
:param content:
:param status:
paragraph = doc.add_paragraph(content)
paragraph.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.CENTER
def reply(self, doc, isSend, content, status):
#! 添加回复信息
:param isSend:
:param content:
:param status:
pattern1 = re.compile(r"<title>(?P<title>(.*?))</title>")
title = pattern1.search(content).groupdict()['title']
pattern2 = re.compile(r"<displayname>(?P<displayname>(.*?))</displayname>")
displayname = pattern2.search(content).groupdict()['displayname']
pattern3 = re.compile(r"\n?title&gt;(?P<content>(.*?))\n?&lt;/title&gt")
if not pattern3.search(content):
if isSend == 0:
pattern3 = re.compile(r"<content>(?P<content>(.*?))</content>")
pattern3 = re.compile(r"</msgsource>\n?<content>(?P<content>(.*?))\n?</content>")
text = pattern3.search(content).groupdict()['content']
except Exception:
text = pattern3.search(content).groupdict()['content']
except Exception:
pattern3 = re.compile(r"\n?<content>(?P<content>(.*?))\n?</content>")
if pattern3.search(content):
text = pattern3.search(content).groupdict()['content']
text = '图片'
if status == 5:
message = '(未发出) ' + ''
content_cell = self.create_table(doc, isSend)
content_cell.paragraphs[0].font_size = shared.Inches(0.5)
reply_p = content_cell.add_paragraph()
run = content_cell.paragraphs[1].add_run(displayname + ':' + text)
run.font.color.rgb = shared.RGBColor(121, 121, 121)
run.font_size = shared.Inches(0.3)
run.font.highlight_color = WD_COLOR_INDEX.GRAY_25
if isSend:
p = content_cell.paragraphs[0]
p.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.RIGHT
reply_p.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.RIGHT
def pat_a_pat(self, doc, isSend, content, status):
#! 添加拍一拍信息
todo 把wxid转化成昵称
:param isSend:
:param content:
:param status:
pat_data = xmltodict.parse(content)
pat_data = pat_data['msg']['appmsg']['patMsg']['records']['record']
fromUser = pat_data['fromUser']
pattedUser = pat_data['pattedUser']
template = pat_data['template']
template = ''.join(template.split('${pattedusername@textstatusicon}'))
template = ''.join(template.split('${fromusername@textstatusicon}'))
template = template.replace(f'${{{fromUser}}}', data.get_conRemark(fromUser))
template = template.replace(f'${{{pattedUser}}}', data.get_conRemark(pattedUser))
p = doc.add_paragraph()
run = p.add_run(template)
p.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.CENTER
run.font.color.rgb = shared.RGBColor(121, 121, 121)
run.font_size = shared.Inches(0.3)
# run.font.highlight_color=WD_COLOR_INDEX.GRAY_25
def video(self, doc, isSend, content, status, img_path):
print(content, img_path)
def to_docx(self, messages, i, conRemark):
filename = f"{os.path.abspath('.')}/data/聊天记录/{conRemark}/{conRemark}{i}.docx"
doc = docx.Document()
last_timestamp = 1601968667000
for message in messages:
msgId = message[0]
ta_username = message[7]
Type = int(message[2])
isSend = message[4]
content = message[8]
imgPath = message[9]
now_timestamp = message[6]
status = message[3]
createTime = time_format(now_timestamp)
# print(createTime, isSend, content)
if IS_5_min(last_timestamp, now_timestamp):
doc.add_paragraph(createTime).alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.CENTER
last_timestamp = now_timestamp
if Type == 1:
self.text(doc, isSend, content, status)
except Exception as e:
elif Type == 3:
self.image(doc, isSend, 3, content, imgPath)
elif Type == 47:
self.emoji(doc, isSend, content, imgPath)
elif Type == 1090519089:
self.wx_file(doc, isSend, content, status)
elif Type == 268445456:
self.retract_message(doc, isSend, content, status)
elif Type == 822083633:
self.reply(doc, isSend, content, status)
elif Type == 922746929:
self.pat_a_pat(doc, isSend, content, status)
elif Type == 43:
# print(createTime)
self.video(doc, isSend, content, status, imgPath)
# doc.add_paragraph(str(i))
def run(self):
if 1:
conRemark = data.get_conRemark(self.ta_username)
messages = data.get_all_message(self.ta_username)
# self.self_text.emit(conRemark)
# self.self_text.emit(path)
self.to_docx(messages, 0, conRemark)
# l = len(user_data)
# n = 50
# for i in range(n):
# q = i * (l // n)
# p = (i + 1) * (l // n)
# if i == n - 1:
# p = l
# len_data = user_data[q:p]
# self.to_docx(len_data, i, conRemark)
# self.self_text.emit('\n\n\n导出进度还差一点点')
# self.bar.emit(99)
# merge_docx(conRemark, n)
# self.self_text.emit(f'{conRemark}聊天记录导出成功!!!')
# self.bar.emit(100)
# def run(self):
# self.ta_avatar = data.get_avator(self.ta_u)
# messages = data.get_all_message(self.ta_u)
# total_num = len(messages)
# for message in messages:
# msgId = message[0]
# ta_username = message[7]
# msgType = str(message[2])
# isSend = message[4]
# content = message[8]
# imgPath = message[9]
# msg_time = message[6]
# self.check_time(msg_time)
# if msgType == '1':
# # return
# self.show_text(isSend, content)
# elif msgType == '3':
# # return
# self.show_img(isSend, imgPath, content)
# elif msgType == '47':
# # return
# self.show_emoji(isSend, imgPath, content)
# elif msgType == '268445456':
# self.show_recall_information(content)
# elif msgType == '922746929':
# self.pat_a_pat(content)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# # conRemark = '张三' #! 微信备注名
# n = 100 # ! 分割的文件个数
# main(conRemark, n)
# img_self.close()
# img_ta.close()
me = data.Me('wxid_27hqbq7vx5hf22')
t = Output(Me=me, ta_u='wxid_q3ozn70pweud22')
# t.ta_info = {
# 'wxid': 'wxid_q3ozn70pweud22',
# 'conRemark': '小钱'
# }
# t.ta_info = {
# 'wxid': 'wxid_8piw6sb4hvfm22',
# 'conRemark': '曹雨萱'
# }
# # wxid_8piw6sb4hvfm22
# t.self_info = {
# 'wxid': 'wxid_27hqbq7vx5hf22',
# 'conRemark': 'Shuaikang Zhou'
# }