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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: get_base_addr.py
# Description:
# Author: xaoyaoo
# Date: 2023/08/22
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import argparse
import ctypes
import hashlib
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import sys
import psutil
from win32com.client import Dispatch
from pymem import Pymem
import pymem
import hmac
ReadProcessMemory = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory
void_p = ctypes.c_void_p
def validate_key(key, salt, first, mac_salt):
byteKey = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", key, salt, DEFAULT_ITER, KEY_SIZE)
mac_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", byteKey, mac_salt, 2, KEY_SIZE)
hash_mac = hmac.new(mac_key, first[:-32], hashlib.sha1)
if hash_mac.digest() == first[-32:-12]:
return True
return False
def get_exe_bit(file_path):
获取 PE 文件的位数: 32 位或 64 位
:param file_path: PE 文件路径(可执行文件)
:return: 如果遇到错误则返回 64
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
dos_header = f.read(2)
if dos_header != b'MZ':
print('get exe bit error: Invalid PE file')
return 64
# Seek to the offset of the PE signature
pe_offset_bytes = f.read(4)
pe_offset = int.from_bytes(pe_offset_bytes, byteorder='little')
# Seek to the Machine field in the PE header
f.seek(pe_offset + 4)
machine_bytes = f.read(2)
machine = int.from_bytes(machine_bytes, byteorder='little')
if machine == 0x14c:
return 32
elif machine == 0x8664:
return 64
print('get exe bit error: Unknown architecture: %s' % hex(machine))
return 64
except IOError:
print('get exe bit error: File not found or cannot be opened')
return 64
def get_exe_version(file_path):
获取 PE 文件的版本号
:param file_path: PE 文件路径(可执行文件)
:return: 如果遇到错误则返回
file_version = Dispatch("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFileVersion(file_path)
return file_version
def find_all(c: bytes, string: bytes, base_addr=0):
:param c: 子串 b'123'
:param string: 字符串 b'123456789123'
return [base_addr + m.start() for m in re.finditer(re.escape(c), string)]
class BiasAddr:
def __init__(self, account, mobile, name, key, db_path):
self.account = account.encode("utf-8")
self.mobile = mobile.encode("utf-8")
self.name = name.encode("utf-8")
self.key = bytes.fromhex(key) if key else b""
self.db_path = db_path if db_path and os.path.exists(db_path) else ""
self.process_name = "WeChat.exe"
self.module_name = "WeChatWin.dll"
self.pm = None # Pymem 对象
self.is_WoW64 = None # True: 32位进程运行在64位系统上 False: 64位进程运行在64位系统上
self.process_handle = None # 进程句柄
self.pid = None # 进程ID
self.version = None # 微信版本号
self.process = None # 进程对象
self.exe_path = None # 微信路径
self.address_len = None # 4 if self.bits == 32 else 8 # 4字节或8字节
self.bits = 64 if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 else 32 # 系统:32位或64位
def get_process_handle(self):
self.pm = Pymem(self.process_name)
self.is_WoW64 = self.pm.is_WoW64
self.process_handle = self.pm.process_handle
self.pid = self.pm.process_id
self.process = psutil.Process(self.pid)
self.exe_path = self.process.exe()
self.version = get_exe_version(self.exe_path)
version_nums = list(map(int, self.version.split("."))) # 将版本号拆分为数字列表
if version_nums[0] <= 3 and version_nums[1] <= 9 and version_nums[2] <= 2:
self.address_len = 4
self.address_len = 8
return True, ""
except pymem.exception.ProcessNotFound:
return False, "[-] WeChat No Run"
def search_memory_value(self, value: bytes, module_name="WeChatWin.dll"):
# 创建 Pymem 对象
module = pymem.process.module_from_name(self.pm.process_handle, module_name)
ret = self.pm.pattern_scan_module(value, module, return_multiple=True)
ret = ret[-1] - module.lpBaseOfDll if len(ret) > 0 else 0
return ret
def get_key_bias1(self):
byteLen = self.address_len # 4 if self.bits == 32 else 8 # 4字节或8字节
keyLenOffset = 0x8c if self.bits == 32 else 0xd0
keyWindllOffset = 0x90 if self.bits == 32 else 0xd8
module = pymem.process.module_from_name(self.process_handle, self.module_name)
keyBytes = b'-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...'
publicKeyList = pymem.pattern.pattern_scan_all(self.process_handle, keyBytes, return_multiple=True)
keyaddrs = []
for addr in publicKeyList:
keyBytes = addr.to_bytes(byteLen, byteorder="little", signed=True) # 低位在前
may_addrs = pymem.pattern.pattern_scan_module(self.process_handle, module, keyBytes,
if may_addrs != 0 and len(may_addrs) > 0:
for addr in may_addrs:
keyLen = self.pm.read_uchar(addr - keyLenOffset)
if keyLen != 32:
keyaddrs.append(addr - keyWindllOffset)
return keyaddrs[-1] - module.lpBaseOfDll if len(keyaddrs) > 0 else 0
return 0
def search_key(self, key: bytes):
key = re.escape(key) # 转义特殊字符
key_addr = self.pm.pattern_scan_all(key, return_multiple=False)
key = key_addr.to_bytes(self.address_len, byteorder='little', signed=True)
result = self.search_memory_value(key, self.module_name)
return result
def get_key_bias2(self, wx_db_path):
addr_len = get_exe_bit(self.exe_path) // 8
db_path = wx_db_path
def read_key_bytes(h_process, address, address_len=8):
array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(address_len)
if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), array, address_len, 0) == 0: return "None"
address = int.from_bytes(array, byteorder='little') # 逆序转换为int地址(key地址)
key = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), key, 32, 0) == 0: return "None"
key_bytes = bytes(key)
return key_bytes
def verify_key(key, wx_db_path):
with open(wx_db_path, "rb") as file:
blist = file.read(5000)
salt = blist[:16]
byteKey = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", key, salt, DEFAULT_ITER, KEY_SIZE)
first = blist[16:DEFAULT_PAGESIZE]
mac_salt = bytes([(salt[i] ^ 58) for i in range(16)])
mac_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha1", byteKey, mac_salt, 2, KEY_SIZE)
hash_mac = hmac.new(mac_key, first[:-32], hashlib.sha1)
if hash_mac.digest() != first[-32:-12]:
return False
return True
phone_type1 = "iphone\x00"
phone_type2 = "android\x00"
phone_type3 = "ipad\x00"
pm = pymem.Pymem("WeChat.exe")
module_name = "WeChatWin.dll"
MicroMsg_path = os.path.join(db_path, "MSG", "MicroMsg.db")
module = pymem.process.module_from_name(pm.process_handle, module_name)
type1_addrs = pm.pattern_scan_module(phone_type1.encode(), module, return_multiple=True)
type2_addrs = pm.pattern_scan_module(phone_type2.encode(), module, return_multiple=True)
type3_addrs = pm.pattern_scan_module(phone_type3.encode(), module, return_multiple=True)
type_addrs = type1_addrs if len(type1_addrs) >= 2 else type2_addrs if len(
type2_addrs) >= 2 else type3_addrs if len(type3_addrs) >= 2 else "None"
if type_addrs == "None":
return 0
for i in type_addrs[::-1]:
for j in range(i, i - 2000, -addr_len):
key_bytes = read_key_bytes(pm.process_handle, j, addr_len)
if key_bytes == "None":
if verify_key(key_bytes, MicroMsg_path):
return j - module.lpBaseOfDll
return 0
def run(self, logging_path=False, version_list_path=None):
if not self.get_process_handle()[0]:
return None
mobile_bias = self.search_memory_value(self.mobile, self.module_name)
name_bias = self.search_memory_value(self.name, self.module_name)
account_bias = self.search_memory_value(self.account, self.module_name)
key_bias = 0
key_bias = self.get_key_bias1()
key_bias = self.search_key(self.key) if key_bias <= 0 and self.key else key_bias
key_bias = self.get_key_bias2(self.db_path) if key_bias <= 0 and self.db_path else key_bias
rdata = {self.version: [name_bias, account_bias, mobile_bias, 0, key_bias]}
if version_list_path and os.path.exists(version_list_path):
with open(version_list_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = json.load(f)
with open(version_list_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
if os.path.exists(logging_path) and isinstance(logging_path, str):
with open(logging_path, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write("{版本号:昵称,账号,手机号,邮箱,KEY}" + "\n")
f.write(str(rdata) + "\n")
elif logging_path:
return rdata
def get_info_without_key(h_process, address, n_size=64):
array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n_size)
if ReadProcessMemory(h_process, void_p(address), array, n_size, 0) == 0: return "None"
array = bytes(array).split(b"\x00")[0] if b"\x00" in array else bytes(array)
text = array.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
return text.strip() if text.strip() != "" else "None"
if __name__ == '__main__':
account, mobile, name, key, db_path = "ShuaikangZhou044", "19103803009", "Shuaikang Zhou",None, r"test"
bias_addr = BiasAddr(account, mobile, name, key, db_path)
bias_addr.run(logging_path=True) |