kind: reverse name: models source: database: mysql conn_str: 'root:12341234@tcp(' targets: - type: codes language: golang output_dir: ../models table_mapper: snake # how table name map to class or struct name column_mapper: snake # how column name map to class or struct field name include_tables: # tables included, you can use ** - casbin_model table_prefix: "" multiple_files: true # generate multiple files or one template: | # template for code file, it has higher perior than template_path package models {{$ilen := len .Imports}} {{if gt $ilen 0}} import ( {{range .Imports}}"{{.}}"{{end}} ) {{end}} {{range .Tables}} type {{TableMapper .Name}} struct { {{$table := .}} {{range .ColumnsSeq}}{{$col := $table.GetColumn .}} {{ColumnMapper $col.Name}} {{Type $col}} `{{Tag $table $col}}` {{end}} } func (m *{{TableMapper .Name}}) TableName() string { return "{{$table.Name}}" } {{end}}