## Internationalization
[English](README.md) | [简体中文](README.zh-Hans.md)
## Table of Contents
Click me to Open/Close the directory listing
- [Internationalization](#nav-1)
- [Table of Contents](#nav-2)
- [Introductions](#nav-3)
- [Official Website](#nav-3-1)
- [Background](#nav-3-2)
- [Graphic Demo](#nav-4)
- [Features](#nav-5)
- [Architecture](#nav-6)
- [Getting Started](#nav-7)
- [Maintainer](#nav-8)
- [Contributors](#nav-9)
- [Community Exchange](#nav-10)
- [Part Of Users](#nav-11)
- [Release History](CHANGE.md)
- [Donators](#nav-12)
- [Sponsors](#nav-13)
- [Special Thanks](#nav-14)
- [License](#nav-15)
## Introductions
The wails-template-vue template is a Vue template that supports Wails programs and provides Router and i18n functions by default.
### Official Website
### Background
I hope that Vue and its powerful community ecology can be used in Wails applications to develop single-page applications that support multiple routes.
## Graphic Demo
## Features
- Support single page routing and i18n
## Architecture
## Getting Started
wails init -n [Your Appname] -t https://github.com/misitebao/wails-template-vue
## Maintainer
Thanks to the maintainers of these projects:
Click me to Open/Close the contributors listing
- [Misitebao](https://github.com/misitebao) - Project author, full stack engineer.
## Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who participated in the development of standard-repository. [Contributors](https://github.com/misitebao/wails-template-vue/graphs/contributors)
## Community Exchange
- [Github Discussions](https://github.com/wailsapp/wails/discussions) - The official Github communication community of the Wails project
- [Wails Slack](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/) - Wails official communication channel
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/wailsapp) - Wails official Twitter account
## Part Of Users
## Donators
## Sponsors
## Special Thanks
## License
[License MIT](LICENSE)