2023-05-12 10:37:03 +08:00
alter table device
change deviceId device_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table device
change streamMode stream_mode varchar(50) null;
alter table device
change registerTime register_time varchar(50) null;
alter table device
change keepaliveTime keepalive_time varchar(50) null;
alter table device
change createTime create_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table device
change updateTime update_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table device
change subscribeCycleForCatalog subscribe_cycle_for_catalog bool default false;
alter table device
change subscribeCycleForMobilePosition subscribe_cycle_for_mobile_position bool default false;
alter table device
change mobilePositionSubmissionInterval mobile_position_submission_interval int default 5 not null;
alter table device
change subscribeCycleForAlarm subscribe_cycle_for_alarm bool default false;
alter table device
change hostAddress host_address varchar(50) null;
alter table device
change ssrcCheck ssrc_check bool default false;
alter table device
change geoCoordSys geo_coord_sys varchar(50) not null;
alter table device
2023-06-20 09:57:28 +08:00
drop column treeType;
2023-05-12 10:37:03 +08:00
alter table device
change mediaServerId media_server_id varchar(50) default 'auto' null;
alter table device
change sdpIp sdp_ip varchar(50) null;
alter table device
change localIp local_ip varchar(50) null;
alter table device
change asMessageChannel as_message_channel bool default false;
alter table device
change keepaliveIntervalTime keepalive_interval_time int null;
2023-05-16 17:17:24 +08:00
alter table device
change online on_line varchar(50) null;
2023-06-20 14:25:01 +08:00
alter table device
add COLUMN switch_primary_sub_stream bool default false comment '开启主子码流切换的开关(0-不开启,1-开启)现在已知支持设备为 大华、TP——LINK全系设备'
2023-05-12 10:37:03 +08:00
alter table device_alarm
change deviceId device_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_alarm
change channelId channel_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_alarm
change alarmPriority alarm_priority varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_alarm
change alarmMethod alarm_method varchar(50) null;
alter table device_alarm
change alarmTime alarm_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_alarm
change alarmDescription alarm_description varchar(255) null;
alter table device_alarm
change alarmType alarm_type varchar(50) null;
alter table device_alarm
change createTime create_time varchar(50) null;
alter table device_channel
change channelId channel_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_channel
change civilCode civil_code varchar(50) null;
alter table device_channel
change parentId parent_id varchar(50) null;
alter table device_channel
change safetyWay safety_way int null;
alter table device_channel
change registerWay register_way int null;
alter table device_channel
change certNum cert_num varchar(50) null;
alter table device_channel
change errCode err_code int null;
alter table device_channel
change endTime end_time varchar(50) null;
alter table device_channel
change ipAddress ip_address varchar(50) null;
alter table device_channel
change PTZType ptz_type int null;
alter table device_channel
change status status bool default false;
alter table device_channel
2023-08-08 11:26:51 +08:00
change streamId stream_id varchar(80) null;
2023-05-12 10:37:03 +08:00
alter table device_channel
change deviceId device_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_channel
change hasAudio has_audio bool default false;
alter table device_channel
change createTime create_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_channel
change updateTime update_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_channel
change subCount sub_count int default 0 null;
alter table device_channel
change longitudeGcj02 longitude_gcj02 double null;
alter table device_channel
change latitudeGcj02 latitude_gcj02 double null;
alter table device_channel
change longitudeWgs84 longitude_wgs84 double null;
alter table device_channel
change latitudeWgs84 latitude_wgs84 double null;
alter table device_channel
change businessGroupId business_group_id varchar(50) null;
alter table device_channel
change gpsTime gps_time varchar(50) null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change deviceId device_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change channelId channel_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change deviceName device_name varchar(255) null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change reportSource report_source varchar(50) null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change longitudeGcj02 longitude_gcj02 double null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change latitudeGcj02 latitude_gcj02 double null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change longitudeWgs84 longitude_wgs84 double null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change latitudeWgs84 latitude_wgs84 double null;
alter table device_mobile_position
change createTime create_time varchar(50) null;
alter table gb_stream
change gbStreamId gb_stream_id int auto_increment;
alter table gb_stream
change gbId gb_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table gb_stream
change streamType stream_type varchar(50) null;
alter table gb_stream
change mediaServerId media_server_id varchar(50) null;
alter table gb_stream
change createTime create_time varchar(50) null;
alter table log
change createTime create_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table media_server
change hookIp hook_ip varchar(50) not null;
2023-07-01 18:10:33 +08:00
alter table media_server
add send_rtp_port_range varchar(50) not null;
alter table media_server
add column send_rtp_port_range varchar(50) default null;
2023-05-12 10:37:03 +08:00
alter table media_server
change sdpIp sdp_ip varchar(50) not null;
alter table media_server
change streamIp stream_ip varchar(50) not null;
alter table media_server
change httpPort http_port int not null;
alter table media_server
change httpSSlPort http_ssl_port int not null;
alter table media_server
change rtmpPort rtmp_port int not null;
alter table media_server
change rtmpSSlPort rtmp_ssl_port int not null;
alter table media_server
change rtpProxyPort rtp_proxy_port int not null;
alter table media_server
change rtspPort rtsp_port int not null;
alter table media_server
change rtspSSLPort rtsp_ssl_port int not null;
alter table media_server
change autoConfig auto_config bool default true;
alter table media_server
change rtpEnable rtp_enable bool default false;
alter table media_server
change rtpPortRange rtp_port_range varchar(50) not null;
alter table media_server
change recordAssistPort record_assist_port int not null;
alter table media_server
change defaultServer default_server bool default false;
alter table media_server
change createTime create_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table media_server
change updateTime update_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table media_server
change hookAliveInterval hook_alive_interval int not null;
alter table parent_platform
change serverGBId server_gb_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table parent_platform
change serverGBDomain server_gb_domain varchar(50) null;
alter table parent_platform
change serverIP server_ip varchar(50) null;
alter table parent_platform
change serverPort server_port int null;
alter table parent_platform
change deviceGBId device_gb_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table parent_platform
change deviceIp device_ip varchar(50) null;
alter table parent_platform
change devicePort device_port varchar(50) null;
alter table parent_platform
change keepTimeout keep_timeout varchar(50) null;
alter table parent_platform
change characterSet character_set varchar(50) null;
alter table parent_platform
change catalogId catalog_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table parent_platform
change startOfflinePush start_offline_push bool default false;
alter table parent_platform
change administrativeDivision administrative_division varchar(50) not null;
alter table parent_platform
change catalogGroup catalog_group int default 1 null;
alter table parent_platform
change createTime create_time varchar(50) null;
alter table parent_platform
change updateTime update_time varchar(50) null;
alter table parent_platform
2023-06-20 09:57:28 +08:00
drop column treeType;
2023-05-12 10:37:03 +08:00
alter table parent_platform
change asMessageChannel as_message_channel bool default false;
alter table parent_platform
change enable enable bool default false;
alter table parent_platform
change ptz ptz bool default false;
alter table parent_platform
change rtcp rtcp bool default false;
alter table parent_platform
change status status bool default false;
alter table parent_platform
change status status bool default false;
alter table platform_catalog
change platformId platform_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table platform_catalog
change parentId parent_id varchar(50) null;
alter table platform_catalog
change civilCode civil_code varchar(50) null;
alter table platform_catalog
change businessGroupId business_group_id varchar(50) null;
alter table platform_gb_channel
change platformId platform_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table platform_gb_channel
change catalogId catalog_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table platform_gb_channel
change deviceChannelId device_channel_id int not null;
alter table platform_gb_stream
change platformId platform_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table platform_gb_stream
change catalogId catalog_id varchar(50) not null;
alter table platform_gb_stream
change gbStreamId gb_stream_id int not null;
alter table stream_proxy
change mediaServerId media_server_id varchar(50) null;
alter table stream_proxy
change createTime create_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table stream_proxy
change updateTime update_time varchar(50) null;
alter table stream_proxy
change enable_remove_none_reader enable_remove_none_reader bool default false;
alter table stream_proxy
change enable_disable_none_reader enable_disable_none_reader bool default false;
alter table stream_proxy
change enable_audio enable_audio bool default false;
alter table stream_proxy
change enable_mp4 enable_mp4 bool default false;
alter table stream_proxy
change enable enable bool default false;
alter table stream_push
change totalReaderCount total_reader_count varchar(50) null;
alter table stream_push
change originType origin_type int null;
alter table stream_push
change originTypeStr origin_type_str varchar(50) null;
alter table stream_push
change createTime create_time varchar(50) null;
alter table stream_push
change aliveSecond alive_second int null;
alter table stream_push
change mediaServerId media_server_id varchar(50) null;
alter table stream_push
change status status bool default false;
alter table stream_push
change pushTime push_time varchar(50) null;
alter table stream_push
change updateTime update_time varchar(50) null;
alter table stream_push
change pushIng push_ing bool default false;
alter table stream_push
change status status bool default false;
alter table stream_push
change self self bool default false;
2023-05-29 09:23:21 +08:00
alter table stream_push
2023-05-16 17:17:24 +08:00
drop column serverId;
2023-05-12 10:37:03 +08:00
alter table user
change roleId role_id int not null;
alter table user
change createTime create_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table user
change updateTime update_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table user
change pushKey push_key varchar(50) null;
alter table user_role
change createTime create_time varchar(50) not null;
alter table user_role
change updateTime update_time varchar(50) not null;
rename table device to wvp_device;
rename table device_alarm to wvp_device_alarm;
rename table device_channel to wvp_device_channel;
rename table device_mobile_position to wvp_device_mobile_position;
rename table gb_stream to wvp_gb_stream;
rename table log to wvp_log;
rename table media_server to wvp_media_server;
rename table parent_platform to wvp_platform;
rename table platform_catalog to wvp_platform_catalog;
rename table platform_gb_channel to wvp_platform_gb_channel;
rename table platform_gb_stream to wvp_platform_gb_stream;
rename table stream_proxy to wvp_stream_proxy;
rename table stream_push to wvp_stream_push;
rename table user to wvp_user;
rename table user_role to wvp_user_role;
2023-07-02 00:03:21 +08:00
alter table wvp_device add column broadcast_push_after_ack bool default false;
alter table wvp_device_channel add column custom_name varchar(255) null ;
alter table wvp_device_channel add column custom_longitude double null ;
alter table wvp_device_channel add column custom_latitude double null ;
alter table wvp_device_channel add column custom_ptz_type int null ;
create table wvp_resources_tree (
id serial primary key ,
is_catalog bool default true,
device_channel_id integer ,
gb_stream_id integer,
name character varying(255),
parentId integer,
path character varying(255)
2023-05-12 10:37:03 +08:00