
This commit is contained in:
648540858 2023-03-08 13:28:54 +08:00
parent 9eab521d56
commit 150c2ca522
2 changed files with 577 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -109,12 +109,6 @@ public class ApiDeviceController {
// }
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
// 查询设备是否存在
Device device = storager.queryVideoDevice(serial);
if (device == null) {
result.put("ChannelCount", 0);
result.put("ChannelList", "[]");
return result;
List<DeviceChannel> deviceChannels;
List<String> channelIds = null;
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(code)) {

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@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
package com.genersoft.iot.vmp.web.gb28181.dto;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;
@Schema(description = "通道信息")
public class DeviceChannelExtent {
* 数据库自增ID
@Schema(description = "数据库自增ID")
private int id;
* 通道国标编号
@Schema(description = "通道国标编号")
private String channelId;
* 设备国标编号
@Schema(description = "设备国标编号")
private String deviceId;
* 通道名
@Schema(description = "名称")
private String name;
* 生产厂商
@Schema(description = "生产厂商")
private String manufacture;
* 型号
@Schema(description = "型号")
private String model;
* 设备归属
@Schema(description = "设备归属")
private String owner;
* 行政区域
@Schema(description = "行政区域")
private String civilCode;
* 警区
@Schema(description = "警区")
private String block;
* 安装地址
@Schema(description = "安装地址")
private String address;
* 是否有子设备 1有, 0没有
@Schema(description = "是否有子设备 1有, 0没有")
private int parental;
* 父级id
@Schema(description = "父级id")
private String parentId;
* 信令安全模式 缺省为0; 0:不采用; 2: S/MIME签名方式; 3: S/ MIME加密签名同时采用方式; 4:数字摘要方式
@Schema(description = "信令安全模式 缺省为0; 0:不采用; 2: S/MIME签名方式; 3: S/ MIME加密签名同时采用方式; 4:数字摘要方式")
private int safetyWay;
* 注册方式 缺省为1;1:符合IETFRFC3261标准的认证注册模 ; 2:基于口令的双向认证注册模式; 3:基于数字证书的双向认证注册模式
@Schema(description = "注册方式 缺省为1;1:符合IETFRFC3261标准的认证注册模 式; 2:基于口令的双向认证注册模式; 3:基于数字证书的双向认证注册模式")
private int registerWay;
* 证书序列号
@Schema(description = "证书序列号")
private String certNum;
* 证书有效标识 缺省为0;证书有效标识:0:无效1: 有效
@Schema(description = "证书有效标识 缺省为0;证书有效标识:0:无效1: 有效")
private int certifiable;
* 证书无效原因码
@Schema(description = "证书无效原因码")
private int errCode;
* 证书终止有效期
@Schema(description = "证书终止有效期")
private String endTime;
* 保密属性 缺省为0; 0:不涉密, 1:涉密
@Schema(description = "保密属性 缺省为0; 0:不涉密, 1:涉密")
private String secrecy;
* IP地址
@Schema(description = "IP地址")
private String ipAddress;
* 端口号
@Schema(description = "端口号")
private int port;
* 密码
@Schema(description = "密码")
private String password;
* 云台类型
@Schema(description = "云台类型")
private int PTZType;
* 云台类型描述字符串
@Schema(description = "云台类型描述字符串")
private String PTZTypeText;
* 创建时间
@Schema(description = "创建时间")
private String createTime;
* 更新时间
@Schema(description = "更新时间")
private String updateTime;
* 在线/离线
* 1在线,0离线
* 默认在线
* 信令:
* <Status>ON</Status>
* <Status>OFF</Status>
* 遇到过NVR下的IPC下发信令可以推流 但是 Status 响应 OFF
@Schema(description = "在线/离线, 1在线,0离线")
private int status;
* 经度
@Schema(description = "经度")
private double longitude;
* 纬度
@Schema(description = "纬度")
private double latitude;
* 经度 GCJ02
@Schema(description = "GCJ02坐标系经度")
private double longitudeGcj02;
* 纬度 GCJ02
@Schema(description = "GCJ02坐标系纬度")
private double latitudeGcj02;
* 经度 WGS84
@Schema(description = "WGS84坐标系经度")
private double longitudeWgs84;
* 纬度 WGS84
@Schema(description = "WGS84坐标系纬度")
private double latitudeWgs84;
* 子设备数
@Schema(description = "子设备数")
private int subCount;
* 流唯一编号存在表示正在直播
@Schema(description = "流唯一编号,存在表示正在直播")
private String streamId;
* 是否含有音频
@Schema(description = "是否含有音频")
private boolean hasAudio;
* 标记通道的类型0->国标通道 1->直播流通道 2->业务分组/虚拟组织/行政区划
@Schema(description = "标记通道的类型0->国标通道 1->直播流通道 2->业务分组/虚拟组织/行政区划")
private int channelType;
* 业务分组
@Schema(description = "业务分组")
private String businessGroupId;
* GPS的更新时间
@Schema(description = "GPS的更新时间")
private String gpsTime;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
public String getDeviceId() {
return deviceId;
public void setDeviceId(String deviceId) {
this.deviceId = deviceId;
public void setPTZType(int PTZType) {
this.PTZType = PTZType;
switch (PTZType) {
case 0:
this.PTZTypeText = "未知";
case 1:
this.PTZTypeText = "球机";
case 2:
this.PTZTypeText = "半球";
case 3:
this.PTZTypeText = "固定枪机";
case 4:
this.PTZTypeText = "遥控枪机";
public String getChannelId() {
return channelId;
public void setChannelId(String channelId) {
this.channelId = channelId;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getManufacture() {
return manufacture;
public void setManufacture(String manufacture) {
this.manufacture = manufacture;
public String getModel() {
return model;
public void setModel(String model) {
this.model = model;
public String getOwner() {
return owner;
public void setOwner(String owner) {
this.owner = owner;
public String getCivilCode() {
return civilCode;
public void setCivilCode(String civilCode) {
this.civilCode = civilCode;
public String getBlock() {
return block;
public void setBlock(String block) {
this.block = block;
public String getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
public int getParental() {
return parental;
public void setParental(int parental) {
this.parental = parental;
public String getParentId() {
return parentId;
public void setParentId(String parentId) {
this.parentId = parentId;
public int getSafetyWay() {
return safetyWay;
public void setSafetyWay(int safetyWay) {
this.safetyWay = safetyWay;
public int getRegisterWay() {
return registerWay;
public void setRegisterWay(int registerWay) {
this.registerWay = registerWay;
public String getCertNum() {
return certNum;
public void setCertNum(String certNum) {
this.certNum = certNum;
public int getCertifiable() {
return certifiable;
public void setCertifiable(int certifiable) {
this.certifiable = certifiable;
public int getErrCode() {
return errCode;
public void setErrCode(int errCode) {
this.errCode = errCode;
public String getEndTime() {
return endTime;
public void setEndTime(String endTime) {
this.endTime = endTime;
public String getSecrecy() {
return secrecy;
public void setSecrecy(String secrecy) {
this.secrecy = secrecy;
public String getIpAddress() {
return ipAddress;
public void setIpAddress(String ipAddress) {
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
public int getPort() {
return port;
public void setPort(int port) {
this.port = port;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public int getPTZType() {
return PTZType;
public String getPTZTypeText() {
return PTZTypeText;
public void setPTZTypeText(String PTZTypeText) {
this.PTZTypeText = PTZTypeText;
public int getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(int status) {
this.status = status;
public double getLongitude() {
return longitude;
public void setLongitude(double longitude) {
this.longitude = longitude;
public double getLatitude() {
return latitude;
public void setLatitude(double latitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
public double getLongitudeGcj02() {
return longitudeGcj02;
public void setLongitudeGcj02(double longitudeGcj02) {
this.longitudeGcj02 = longitudeGcj02;
public double getLatitudeGcj02() {
return latitudeGcj02;
public void setLatitudeGcj02(double latitudeGcj02) {
this.latitudeGcj02 = latitudeGcj02;
public double getLongitudeWgs84() {
return longitudeWgs84;
public void setLongitudeWgs84(double longitudeWgs84) {
this.longitudeWgs84 = longitudeWgs84;
public double getLatitudeWgs84() {
return latitudeWgs84;
public void setLatitudeWgs84(double latitudeWgs84) {
this.latitudeWgs84 = latitudeWgs84;
public int getSubCount() {
return subCount;
public void setSubCount(int subCount) {
this.subCount = subCount;
public boolean isHasAudio() {
return hasAudio;
public void setHasAudio(boolean hasAudio) {
this.hasAudio = hasAudio;
public String getStreamId() {
return streamId;
public void setStreamId(String streamId) {
this.streamId = streamId;
public String getCreateTime() {
return createTime;
public void setCreateTime(String createTime) {
this.createTime = createTime;
public String getUpdateTime() {
return updateTime;
public void setUpdateTime(String updateTime) {
this.updateTime = updateTime;
public int getChannelType() {
return channelType;
public void setChannelType(int channelType) {
this.channelType = channelType;
public String getBusinessGroupId() {
return businessGroupId;
public void setBusinessGroupId(String businessGroupId) {
this.businessGroupId = businessGroupId;
public String getGpsTime() {
return gpsTime;
public void setGpsTime(String gpsTime) {
this.gpsTime = gpsTime;