mk1990 e6ceb87492 1. 修改control.vue 报Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "column". Expected Number with value 1, got String with value "1".
2. 修改control.vue Error: [vue-clipboards] Invalid value. Please use a valid value.
3. 修改DeviceList.vue 刷新时报
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "loading"
2022-03-28 10:11:13 +08:00
api 新增实时监控功能 2022-02-10 14:45:33 +08:00
assets 添加发送媒体流, 添加媒体服务器节点管理ui,修复修改密码 2021-09-25 22:12:15 +08:00
components 1. 修改control.vue 报Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "column". Expected Number with value 1, got String with value "1". 2022-03-28 10:11:13 +08:00
router 优化国标录像下载,添加进度条以及自动合并文件下载,需要结合新版assist服务使用。 2022-03-25 16:05:14 +08:00
App.vue 去除部分调试日志以及恢复代码 2021-04-19 11:24:03 +08:00
main.js 为级联平台增加虚拟目录功能 2022-01-05 15:23:14 +08:00